EPL 2014-15 Season

Uncle Si

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NJSeaHawk":2q8kx9t2 said:
Uncle Si":2q8kx9t2 said:
CurryStopstheRuns":2q8kx9t2 said:
Uncle Si":2q8kx9t2 said:
Chelsea fans on a moan.


Anyone have the 2000 gifs of Chelsea dives, stamps, elbows, high boots, headbutts from the last 3 months?

This is Chelsea getting what they give, from a team whose manager doesnt whimper hypocritically about his team's treatment. Not sure how a Chelsea fan can claim injustice here without feeling a little itchy.

I feel like you didn't even watch the match. There was intent to injure on two of the fouls. How you can defend that by saying that, "Chelsea got what they deserved," is beyond me. And the blatant handball in the box? I will give you the Costa foul, even though it should have been called, because he went down pretty lightly.

I watched it. The handball was the only one I thought was legitimate pen (and it was). The one Chelsea did get was a dive and outside the box. Matic deserved his red. Can be said the player that clipped him deserved one too. But every little stamp laid out by a Burnley player is a tickle compared to what Costa alone has been doing to opponents since Christmas. He's a dirty little player.

And that's my point: Chelsea have been rampant in their nefarious activities, especially over the last 2 months. They have been stomping, head butting, elbowing, diving, basically doing everything possible while the ref's head is turned to sway a match. The fact that it went against them in this match seems to (start to) balance out. So in the moral justice aspect of things, yes, Chelsea finally got a taste of their own (without Burnley diving of course).

Chelsea do themselves no favors. Mourinho calls out the refs at each turn. The refs review these matches and get a good look at what the Chelsea players are getting away with in the very same matches the manager is criticizing the officials in. It's natural they are going away from giving Chelsea players the benefit of the doubt.

Chelsea play on the edge of fair play. They call attention to it as well. Of all the calls they've gotten in their favor (including their goal Saturday), I find it hypocritical and hyperbolic for Chelsea fans to pick up the siren song of their whimpering manager because one time it didn't get them three points.

I'm sorry, I just find it laughable. They dive, stamp, boot, elbow, headbutt and then run to the duty teacher when someone stands up to them. It will probably win them the league. Which is a shame for all of us who want to watch good football.

(edit: this is a really long diatribe about a team I don't care that much about. Apologies as it was meant as much to wind up NJ as anything else. Carry on without taking me too seriously..)

Damn Si, I really wanted to go and counter some of your points.

But I really can't.

Which sucks, because I'm always up for a rant, but for the life of me, I can't come up with any good retorts.

Screw Liverpool and Man U.

Kiss my plastic ass.

You're alright NJ.

You're top of the league. Embrace the gilded edge of football's moral injustice. Its one of the reasons why I loved Suarez. He was magic. A madman. Hated. It was fun. And in the end, he was brilliant.


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New Joisey
I would give my left nut to have Suarez on this squad. I thought the whole chomping thing was/is hilarious. To resort to biting in the heat of the moment is truly the sign of a madman...just ask Tyson.

I hope he continues to go batshit and unravels Barcelona :mrgreen:

Chile continues to churn out great talent, though...no denying that. Man thank God for footy, with this whole Seahawks goaline debacle.

2998 SOCC ECOMM D3 1280x200 v2

Don't worry though, you got the next best thing in the nutters department. :th2thumbs:


Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Here's the thing with that by Balo...

He's right. The man has made 27 of 29 penalties in his career. Not sure Henderson's taken more than 5. Henderson did the right thing as well. He didnt like it, but he deferred. I think he did for two reasons: not to cause a scene, and because deep down he knew Balo was the right man for it.

I'd love it to spur Balo on.


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peachesenregalia":bn1ruyc5 said:
Seabhac":bn1ruyc5 said:
peachesenregalia":bn1ruyc5 said:
You apparently don't know what 'protagonist' means. Also, this is the very definition of a logical fallacy. Quite typical though.

So when I point out the SYSTEMATIC child abuse within the Celtic FC organization, you say it's "one incident", but when one ex RUC officer is a Rangers and Chelsea fan and commited a racist act, now all RUC/PSNI officers are racist.

Typical dirty wee bheast. Never their fault, everyone else in the world is bad except them.

Big Jock Knew.

From Webster (you Clown) - Protagonist " an advocate or champion of a particular cause or idea"

I am sure that there are many good RUC officers BUT the RUC is a dirty organization that supports terrorism - UVF Death squads were protected and paid by the RUC while they carried out their murderous activities on the streets of Belfast. It was sanctioned by the highest levels of the RUC.

Look up "Operation Ballast" - the investigation into the RUC and terrorism. It's all there.

So it's not surprising that the ex-RUC officer on the Metro in Paris felt OK chucking a black man off the train.

No-one would ever use the word 'protagonist' to describe one of the bad guys in any situation, muppet. I'm sure almost every police organization has had it's scandals, Operation Belfast was heinous, but let's not forget what they were fighting against. Or will you hold firm to your view of the poor downtrodden oirish baby-killing 'freedom fighters' who never did anything wrong? Catch yourself on. The IRA were being supported from all over the world and carried out atrocities not only in NI but in England and Scotland, and reportedly further abroad, too. But hey, just do what you and all your kind always do. Deny, deflect, discredit. Offended by everything, ashamed of nothing.

Operation BALLAST (not Operation Belfast)
Are you trying to insult me by using the term "oirish" ? What do you mean by "my kind" ? An Irish person? Don't know where you are going with this but you are sounding like you may be on the same train as your ex-RUC fellow Rangers supporter.

So you are saying the RUC was OK supporting a terrorist Organization (UVF) because they were fighting another terrorist organization? EXCEPT- the primary murder that they were investigated for during Operation Ballast was Raymond McCord. Raymond McCord was a Protestant, RAF Radar operator that just happened to be running drugs for the UVF. When he was lifted, the UVF decided to kill him (by smashing his head with concrete blocks) rather than have it be made public in trial that they were dealing drugs.

One other point - Not all Irish people support the IRA. I certainly don't, nor did my parents - nor my two grandfathers, who fought against them in the civil war.

Uncle Si

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Seriously, as intriguing as this history lesson is (not sarcastic, this is something I had only a small notion about).. none of this has to do with football.

Bad people do bad things under the banners of all different kinds, whether it be cultural, racial, religious, economic, political, etc. Is that Chelsea supporter a racist Englishman? Protestant? Ranger fan? White person? All? Who takes the blame for him being an asshole?

Supporting your favorite 11 on the field can be done while acknowledging, ignoring or simply disassociating yourself from the horrible people that may have committed crimes under the guise of that same support you spend your Saturdays.

Continuing to beleaguer these associations also denies any government or societies culpability, accountability or responsibility in any of a number of horrific crimes against individuals, groups, (races, religions, cultures, etc.). The simple thing here is to acknowledge that people suck sometimes, or start a list of all the bad things English, Irish, Scottish, American, etc. people/governments/religions have done over the last 500 years.

I'll start: slavery, genocide, imperialism, religious persecution, repression, World War.

Any others?

Uncle Si

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peachesenregalia":3nmrrt4j said:
Well, I've said what I wanted to say, so I'll stop for now.

Anyway, FIFA and UEFA are a joke. It was completely irresponsible to award the World Cup to Qatar in the first place, and now the major European leagues are going to have to basically give up a sizeable chunk of their league schedule for it. Stupid.

The Winter world cup is ridiculous. A drain on the major leagues.


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Si, I agree we should be talking football - but Peaches is having a hard time containing his bigotry.....

Uncle Si

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Seabhac":3m71vhhp said:
Si, I agree we should be talking football - but Peaches is having a hard time containing his bigotry.....

I cant tell you two what to do. I just find arguing which football club's supporters are worse assholes is as pointless an endeavor as suggesting all white people are racist supporters of genocide or all Muslims are terrorists. We both know United and Liverpool have their share of fans we would never associate ourselves with in any social circumstances. Doesn't mean I shouldn't support Liverpool though.

The conversation does have me doing a bit of research though. Shocking stuff to be honest.


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peachesenregalia":q3z4ztia said:
Seabhac":q3z4ztia said:
Si, I agree we should be talking football - but Peaches is having a hard time containing his bigotry.....

Not a bigot, just don't like when child abusers get away with it.

Nobody is on here defending child abuse. Nobody is on here defending the Catholic Church.

The fact thet the Chelsea Hooligan in Paris was Ex-RUC was no surprise to me. Most RUC are Rangers fans.
Not only that, but there is a kindred spirit between some Chelsea and Rangers fans because of C-18 / Headhunters mainly because they both embrace the BNP - National Front. When the English fans went nuts in Dublin in 1995 it was later found out that the majority were Rangers Fans from Scotland and NI that had teamed up with the Headhunters / C18 to cause the riot.

What's bizzare about ex-RUC Officer Barklie is that he was a champion of anti-racism and human rights.
He is a Director at the World Human Rights Forum for Christsake. In the video he is clearly the one violently tossing the man off the train
. Was it a moment of madness? - Was he using his career as a cover? Was he trying to protect the poor black man from a train full of maniacs?

We shall find out soon.


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peachesenregalia":1rblzc61 said:
Seabhac":1rblzc61 said:
peachesenregalia":1rblzc61 said:
Seabhac":1rblzc61 said:
Si, I agree we should be talking football - but Peaches is having a hard time containing his bigotry.....

Not a bigot, just don't like when child abusers get away with it.

Nobody is on here defending child abuse. Nobody is on here defending the Catholic Church.

The fact thet the Chelsea Hooligan in Paris was Ex-RUC was no surprise to me. Most RUC are Rangers fans.
Not only that, but there is a kindred spirit between some Chelsea and Rangers fans because of C-18 / Headhunters mainly because they both embrace the BNP - National Front. When the English fans went nuts in Dublin in 1995 it was later found out that the majority were Rangers Fans from Scotland and NI that had teamed up with the Headhunters / C18 to cause the riot.

What's bizzare about ex-RUC Officer Barklie is that he was a champion of anti-racism and human rights.
He is a Director at the World Human Rights Forum for Christsake. In the video he is clearly the one violently tossing the man off the train
. Was it a moment of madness? - Was he using his career as a cover? Was he trying to protect the poor black man from a train full of maniacs?

We shall find out soon.

You're painting with a pretty broad brush there, sunshine. Most ex-RUC or current PSNI that I know are or were just trying to do their job, and were put into an unwinnable situation by the British government and the Shinners. They got caught between Idiots like Ian Paisley and Gerry Adams and for the most part just tried to maintain the peace. I think if you asked hardliners from both sides, they'd both tell you they hate the RUC/PSNI. And the statement that 'most RUC are Rangers fans' is a silly one. If this guy was committing a hate crime, then he needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

I want to apologize for going overboard in previous posts though. A lot of that was unprovoked and I'm sorry.

Modern PSNI versus RUC of 30 Years ago are two different animals. Maybe that's why Officer Barklie was fired - maybe not. Either way it seems they did the right thing by getting rid of him.

Apology accepted. We are both Seahawks fans on a Seahawk board regardless of our cultural upbringing. I too apologize for painting with too broad a brush. Let's move on.

Uncle Si

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Are we back to hating Chelsea and making fun of Arsenal then?


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New Joisey
He Packed it up.

And Si, Balo was totally in the right to take that penalty. I'd rather a kicker take it who wants it, and one's who conversion rate is as good as his is.


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I'm a Hispanic, as well as President and Treasurer of the NJ Headhunters Chapter.

We aren't all racists.


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peachesenregalia":d56m3ypn said:
Balo skirted team etiquette a bit, but I think that Hendo handled it well, and Stevie and Sturridge didn't. Balo's conversion rate speaks for itself. Sturridge was just upset that Hendo was letting him get away with it, but the whole thing is a bit of a nonce now. NOW - had he missed, then it would have been a big deal, but he didn't and it isn't.

Imagine he did miss it?

Hendo wouldve lifted his shirt that said "Should've been me".


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NJSeaHawk":21ot4uuk said:

I'm a Hispanic, as well as President and Treasurer of the NJ Headhunters Chapter.

We aren't all racists.

Ha ha - that's hilarious. Do you send them money?


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Looking forward to Liverpool V Besiktas tomorrow - Besiktas Fans are incredible. Never seen a stadium atmosphere like it.


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Seabhac":265ve5ot said:
NJSeaHawk":265ve5ot said:

I'm a Hispanic, as well as President and Treasurer of the NJ Headhunters Chapter.

We aren't all racists.

Ha ha - that's hilarious. Do you send them money?

I only send them scalps and appendages.


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Seabhac":35r810v5 said:
Looking forward to Liverpool V Besiktas tomorrow - Besiktas Fans are incredible. Never seen a stadium atmosphere like it.

You clearly have never been to the Bridge.


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peachesenregalia":50fuco49 said:
NJSeaHawk":50fuco49 said:
Seabhac":50fuco49 said:
Looking forward to Liverpool V Besiktas tomorrow - Besiktas Fans are incredible. Never seen a stadium atmosphere like it.

You clearly have never been to the Bridge.

Bridge doesn't come close to Besiktas fans. there'll be 80k of them screaming their lungs out. Liverpool are going to rest Coutinho and henderson. We'll see if the kids are alright or if the kids are all shite.

I see what you did there...well done.
I'm about to check out some Champs games right now!