Kap has a dirty mouth

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Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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lvnginhwktwn":10azlp4g said:

If the majority of players are using it and accept it, like so many other issues the league should just stay out of it.
Hope this clears things up for you

The NFL field is no different than any corporate or business environment when it comes to acceptable language.

Especially considering Kaepernick's never more than 100 feet from a live mic or someone on the sideline that may be offended by his language. He can drop all the racial, homophobic slurs or F-bombs he wants in the comfort of his own home or with friends.........but sorry, not OK on live TV in front of millions, with hundreds of people within shouting distance of where he plays.


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Sgt. Largent":2vvat03y said:
The NFL field is no different than any corporate or business environment when it comes to acceptable language.

He can drop all the racial, homophobic slurs or F-bombs he wants in the comfort of his own home or with friends

It's really different. He can still drop all the f-bombs he wants on the field. Broadcasts have been picking them up for years. There was even a really loud one picked up on the broadcast last night.


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Sgt. Largent":1h1rapzg said:
lvnginhwktwn":1h1rapzg said:

If the majority of players are using it and accept it, like so many other issues the league should just stay out of it.
Hope this clears things up for you

The NFL field is no different than any corporate or business environment when it comes to acceptable language.

Especially considering Kaepernick's never more than 100 feet from a live mic or someone on the sideline that may be offended by his language. He can drop all the racial, homophobic slurs or F-bombs he wants in the comfort of his own home or with friends.........but sorry, not OK on live TV in front of millions, with hundreds of people within shouting distance of where he plays.

I'm sorry, can you show me where to find the link talking about Kap being mic'd up. If he was where the general public could hear what he did or didn't say. I guess there would be no question as what took place if he was mic'd up now would there be.

Your only problem n is he is a 49er, not what he said. Stop acting.


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Jville":js1mx58x said:
Popeyejones":js1mx58x said:
Jville":js1mx58x said:
The Times They Are A changin

Yeah they are. And they've been trending this direction in a variety of ways (political, economic, and cultural) since the early 1980s. That the NFL is turning itself into a foot soldier in that change -- and in case that so obviously has nothing at all to do with the game itself -- is however, really disheartening, if not unexpected, IMO.

*Just as evidence for how much things have changed, there was a huge and well-deserved public backlash when the NBA's magazine airbrushed out Iverson's tattoos in 2000, whereas with this, it would be generous to say that people don't even care (as instead, public sentiment seems to be trending in the opposite direction).

I'm of the notion this is one of many aftershocks from the social earthquake of the 60s.

Bob Dylan   The Times They Are a Changin27

Bob Dylan began work on his third album "The Times They Are A Changin on August 6, 1963, at Columbia's Studio A in New York City. The finished album was released on released on January 13, 1964 by Columbia Records.

Bob Dylan's music is terrible.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Popeyejones":1qm2ea08 said:
Sgt. Largent":1qm2ea08 said:
The NFL field is no different than any corporate or business environment when it comes to acceptable language.

He can drop all the racial, homophobic slurs or F-bombs he wants in the comfort of his own home or with friends

It's really different. He can still drop all the f-bombs he wants on the field. Broadcasts have been picking them up for years. There was even a really loud one picked up on the broadcast last night.

Is it different enough for gay or racist slurs? No........thus the penalty and fine.

It's not acceptable in any work environment. Period. The league might let some F-bombs slide if they're not directed at officials, but the only reason for that is they'd be throwing penalty flags every play if the cracked down on the F-bomb.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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lvnginhwktwn":370doc4m said:
Sgt. Largent":370doc4m said:
lvnginhwktwn":370doc4m said:

If the majority of players are using it and accept it, like so many other issues the league should just stay out of it.
Hope this clears things up for you

The NFL field is no different than any corporate or business environment when it comes to acceptable language.

Especially considering Kaepernick's never more than 100 feet from a live mic or someone on the sideline that may be offended by his language. He can drop all the racial, homophobic slurs or F-bombs he wants in the comfort of his own home or with friends.........but sorry, not OK on live TV in front of millions, with hundreds of people within shouting distance of where he plays.

I'm sorry, can you show me where to find the link talking about Kap being mic'd up. If he was where the general public could hear what he did or didn't say. I guess there would be no question as what took place if he was mic'd up now would there be.

Your only problem n is he is a 49er, not what he said. Stop acting.

I said he's WITHIN mic distance, I know reading comprehension isn't the Niner fans strong suit, so stay with me here.

That's why the league is cracking down on the bad words, cause they know the mics are everywhere......and I could care less who Kaepernick plays for. Unlike you who the only reason your defending his dumb ass is cause you're a homer.


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Sgt. Largent":1imebkw0 said:
lvnginhwktwn":1imebkw0 said:
Sgt. Largent":1imebkw0 said:
lvnginhwktwn":1imebkw0 said:

If the majority of players are using it and accept it, like so many other issues the league should just stay out of it.
Hope this clears things up for you

The NFL field is no different than any corporate or business environment when it comes to acceptable language.

Especially considering Kaepernick's never more than 100 feet from a live mic or someone on the sideline that may be offended by his language. He can drop all the racial, homophobic slurs or F-bombs he wants in the comfort of his own home or with friends.........but sorry, not OK on live TV in front of millions, with hundreds of people within shouting distance of where he plays.

I'm sorry, can you show me where to find the link talking about Kap being mic'd up. If he was where the general public could hear what he did or didn't say. I guess there would be no question as what took place if he was mic'd up now would there be.

Your only problem n is he is a 49er, not what he said. Stop acting.

I said he's WITHIN mic distance, I know reading comprehension isn't the Niner fans strong suit, so stay with me here.

That's why the league is cracking down on the bad words, cause they know the mics are everywhere......and I could care less who Kaepernick plays for. Unlike you who the only reason your defending his dumb ass is cause you're a homer.

I guess reading comprehension isn't your strong suit either. As I said earlier, the rule should apply to all players. Now sit there on your high horse and tell me that Kap's infraction was the only time refs have heard the "N" word this or any other game.


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Aug 20, 2013
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Sgt. Largent":39hxaf0y said:
Is it different enough for gay or racist slurs? No........thus the penalty and fine.

It's not acceptable in any work environment. Period. The league might let some F-bombs slide if they're not directed at officials, but the only reason for that is they'd be throwing penalty flags every play if the cracked down on the F-bomb.

Hard to fully respond while being respectful of Mizzou's reminder about which forum we're in and what the topics for it are.

That said, within those boundaries and on appropriate topic, we TOTALLY disagree with the characterization of the league's non-treatment of curse words as it being that they "might let some slide if they're not directed at officials."

It's not about them letting some slide, it's that the league HAS NEVER ONCE IN ITS HISTORY penalized a player for using a curse word on the field not directed at an official.

As a sidenote, FWIW, I also think we disagree about the broad characterization of "workplace environment." I curse sometimes in my workplace environment. I don't celebrate it or do it all the time or in meetings or anything, but I'd guess that vast majority of the people in white collar occupations here have cursed once or twice in casual conversation in their workplace environment too.


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Aug 20, 2013
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Sgt. Largent":awkxfts3 said:
I said he's WITHIN mic distance, I know reading comprehension isn't the Niner fans strong suit, so stay with me here.

That's why the league is cracking down on the bad words, cause they know the mics are everywhere......and I could care less who Kaepernick plays for. Unlike you who the only reason your defending his dumb ass is cause you're a homer.

A redux of my post above, but again, the league isn't cracking down on curse words, nor have they ever done so. Someone in the game last night screamed the "F" word at the top of his lungs and it didn't get flagged because curse words don't get flagged.

FWIW I also think we can have the actual discussion without the bolded, which doesn't add anything.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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lvnginhwktwn":2j1rtqav said:
I guess reading comprehension isn't your strong suit either. As I said earlier, the rule should apply to all players. Now sit there on your high horse and tell me that Kap's infraction was the only time refs have heard the "N" word this or any other game.

1. You said "I'm sorry, can you show me where to find the link talking about Kap being mic'd up." Thus reading comprehension fail.

2. The rule IS for all the players, and coaches, assistants, equipment managers, front office people, etc.

http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/20 ... the-field/

3. It's a new rule for 2014, so no it's not the ONLY time the refs have heard it, but considering it was week #1 when Kaep dropped the N-bomb, it was the first time they heard it this year..........you know, the year the new rules took effect.


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Feb 17, 2014
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Kaepernick lied, Marvin cried.

The issue here is the lying, not so much the penalty for using the N-word (although I do find it a little strange that a half white guy, who never met his black father and was raised exclusively by white parents, would use such a word against another black man).


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Sgt. Largent":anftc1h7 said:
lvnginhwktwn":anftc1h7 said:
I guess reading comprehension isn't your strong suit either. As I said earlier, the rule should apply to all players. Now sit there on your high horse and tell me that Kap's infraction was the only time refs have heard the "N" word this or any other game.

1. You said "I'm sorry, can you show me where to find the link talking about Kap being mic'd up." Thus reading comprehension fail.

2. The rule IS for all the players, and coaches, assistants, equipment managers, front office people, etc.

http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/20 ... the-field/

3. It's a new rule for 2014, so no it's not the ONLY time the refs have heard it, but considering it was week #1 when Kaep dropped the N-bomb, it was the first time they heard it this year..........you know, the year the new rules took effect.

Grab at straws much? BTW correct me if I'm wrong but the incident was week 2 Chicago game. And I am willing to bet the word has been heard at least once in every game.


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The glaring question that does not go away is ....... why would Kaepernick attempt a "I didn't say anything" defense when it's clear he said something in the presence of so many?


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Jville":bxblu4qf said:
The glaring question that does not go away is ....... why would Kaepernick attempt a "I didn't say anything" defense when it's clear he said something in the presence of so many?

Same reason Houston said he didn't hear anything. Some things can be handled by the players, the league doesn't always need to get involved.


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hawknation2014":2c2obr5s said:
The issue here is the lying

He didn't lie, just as Lamarr Houston didn't lie, they were just both very oblique in talking around it.* FWIW I think Kap's follow up comment (that he would be further penalized for actually being forthcoming about what he meant and his stance on it) was really telling, and explains both Houston's treatment of the question and his treatment of the question.**

*I guess one could argue that they both "lied," although given the context, I think they were both trying to say something without actually saying it, as it's pretty clear neither of them -- for any number of reasons -- wants to become the poster child on this issue.

**Another possible explanation, but less likely IMO, is that neither of them knew it was penalty, and now that it has been called separately on both of them, they do know.


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Jville":3u2vuwp8 said:
The glaring question that does not go away is ....... why would Kaepernick attempt a "I didn't say anything" defense when it's clear he said something in the presence of so many?

Because he thinks he can get away with it? He got away with smoking weed on Spring Break with that girl that ended up in the hospital a few months ago. The 49ers have shown they will defend anything and everything their players say and do regardless of the truth or consequences of their actions.




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hawknation2014":2r7xe3xv said:
Jville":2r7xe3xv said:
The glaring question that does not go away is ....... why would Kaepernick attempt a "I didn't say anything" defense when it's clear he said something in the presence of so many?

Because he thinks he can get away with it? He got away with smoking weed on Spring Break with that girl that ended up in the hospital a few months ago. The 49ers have shown they will defend anything and everything their players say and do regardless of the truth or consequences of their actions.



Yep that's it, you're right, guess that solves that issue.


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Popeyejones":3j3fblbq said:
hawknation2014":3j3fblbq said:
The issue here is the lying

He didn't lie, just as Lamarr Houston didn't lie, they were just both very oblique in talking around it.* FWIW I think Kap's follow up comment (that he would be further penalized for actually being forthcoming about what he meant and his stance on it) was really telling, and explains both Houston's treatment of the question and his treatment of the question.**

*I guess one could argue that they both "lied," although given the context, I think they were both trying to say something without actually saying it, as it's pretty clear neither of them -- for any number of reasons -- wants to become the poster child on this issue.

**Another possible explanation, but less likely IMO, is that neither of them knew it was penalty, and now that it has been called separately on both of them, they do know.


Kapernick clearly lied about not saying the N-word. The referee, who was standing a foot away, heard it. Kapernick put that referee's credibility on the line by denying he said it. The league has fined him for saying it and probably would not have done so if Keapernick had apologized for breaking the rules to begin with.

Lamarr Houston has already admitted to lying. Weren't you the one who hypothesized that Houston was covering up for Kaepernick using the N-word for "cultural" reasons? Now you're still claiming Kaepernick didn't lie?


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Aug 20, 2013
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hawknation2014":335wezqo said:

This type of stuff isn't productive and isn't on the topic, even in all caps.

hawknation2014":335wezqo said:
Kapernick clearly lied about not saying the N-word. The referee, who was standing a foot away, heard it. Kapernick put that referee's credibility on the line by denying he said it. The league has fined him for saying it and probably would not have done so if Keapernick had apologized for breaking the rules to begin with.

As I acknowledged in the post you're quoting, we either have to characterize both Kap and Houston of lying, or neither of them as lying. Remember, before we knew what word was said on the last page I was the one who hypothesized that what happened was what might be happening.

And as I've already said my god's honest preference would be for Kap to do what Sherman did over the summer and address this thing head on, although for a TON of reasons (one of which he has even stated) I understand why he didn't, and why Houston didn't either.

hawknation2014":335wezqo said:
Lamarr Houston has already admitted to lying. Weren't you the one who hypothesized that Houston was covering up for Kaepernick using the N-word for "cultural" reasons? Now you're still claiming Kaepernick didn't lie?

Huh? Houston admitted to lying? Where? He didn't say he was lying, he clarified what he meant by saying he didn't hear anything (e.g. anything derogatory).


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Popeyejones":1rgppjtc said:
hawknation2014":1rgppjtc said:

This type of stuff isn't productive and isn't on the topic, even in all caps.

hawknation2014":1rgppjtc said:
Kapernick clearly lied about not saying the N-word. The referee, who was standing a foot away, heard it. Kapernick put that referee's credibility on the line by denying he said it. The league has fined him for saying it and probably would not have done so if Keapernick had apologized for breaking the rules to begin with.

As I acknowledged in the post you're quoting, we either have to characterize both Kap and Houston of lying, or neither of them as lying. Remember, before we knew what word was said on the last page I was the one who hypothesized that what happened was what might be happening.

And as I've already said my god's honest preference would be for Kap to do what Sherman did over the summer and address this thing head on, although for a TON of reasons (one of which he has even stated) I understand why he didn't, and why Houston didn't either.

hawknation2014":1rgppjtc said:
Lamarr Houston has already admitted to lying. Weren't you the one who hypothesized that Houston was covering up for Kaepernick using the N-word for "cultural" reasons? Now you're still claiming Kaepernick didn't lie?

Huh? Houston admitted to lying? Where? He didn't say he was lying, he clarified what he meant by saying he didn't hear anything (e.g. anything derogatory).

It's absolutely necessary and on point. You are holding two diametrically opposed views in your head at the same time --- that Kaepernick said multiple times that he didn't say anything, including anything offensive like the N-word, but he did in fact say the N-word. So how is that not lying? This is a classic case of cognitive dissonance.
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