Kareem Hunt =....


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2013
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I popped over to a Chiefs forum just to see fan thoughts. They are pretty gross. Is it just that part of the country or is fandom really that awful?


So many people crying about how "gross" TMZ is and blaming the woman. If such an incident happened here I can't even fathom the majority of .net coming out to take such an absurd stance.


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Oct 16, 2009
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Hawknballs":s75mwqli said:
I popped over to a Chiefs forum just to see fan thoughts. They are pretty gross. Is it just that part of the country or is fandom really that awful?


So many people crying about how "gross" TMZ is and blaming the woman. If such an incident happened here I can't even fathom the majority of .net coming out to take such an absurd stance.

Yeah......you must not have been hanging out here during the Michael Bennett situation last season.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2013
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No, I haven't been around here much for a minute or two. lol.


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Apr 22, 2010
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Camas, WA

Worlds apart from the Ray Rice incident. Rice's was a brutal assault, and had every indication of long term abuse of a domestic partner. This was barely above a baseball 'fight' with a groupie. The kick wouldn't have moved a football far enough to qualify as an onside.

And for those that say 'but it's a woman' , sorry but that argument went out the window when we transitioned to a gender blind, egalitarian culture. Not saying that I agree with it, but it is the rule we now work under. Adding significance to her gender is a straight up double standard. Hunt's entire generation has been raised that there's no difference between the sexes so don't be surprised when he treats one the same way he would a man he was pissed at.


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Dec 30, 2010
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Hawknballs":1491sb76 said:
I popped over to a Chiefs forum just to see fan thoughts. They are pretty gross. Is it just that part of the country or is fandom really that awful?


So many people crying about how "gross" TMZ is and blaming the woman. If such an incident happened here I can't even fathom the majority of .net coming out to take such an absurd stance.

Fandom is that awful.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2013
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Osprey":1u82xm97 said:

Worlds apart from the Ray Rice incident. Rice's was a brutal assault, and had every indication of long term abuse of a domestic partner. This was barely above a baseball 'fight' with a groupie. The kick wouldn't have moved a football far enough to qualify as an onside.

And for those that say 'but it's a woman' , sorry but that argument went out the window when we transitioned to a gender blind, egalitarian culture. Not saying that I agree with it, but it is the rule we now work under. Adding significance to her gender is a straight up double standard. Hunt's entire generation has been raised that there's no difference between the sexes so don't be surprised when he treats one the same way he would a man he was pissed at.

None of this matters because anyone with half a brain would have gone back to his room. He's a professional athlete surrounded by (large) friends obviously holding him back and he's not heeding their words. He repeatedly put himself back into the situation when at any time he could have de-escalated and left. he did not, instead choosing to charge back in, knocking her to the ground, bashing her face into a wall and then shoved (not kicked) her with his foot when she was already down and obviouisly dazed from the blow to her head. What's she like 100 lbs and he's a professional nfl running back?

Stop making excuses for idiots who for whatever reason refuse to get the big picture of their status and refuse to remove themselves from situations like this, despite a group of people obviously telling him to remove himself.


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Sep 7, 2010
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Osprey":1sr8nden said:

Worlds apart from the Ray Rice incident. Rice's was a brutal assault, and had every indication of long term abuse of a domestic partner. This was barely above a baseball 'fight' with a groupie. The kick wouldn't have moved a football far enough to qualify as an onside.

And for those that say 'but it's a woman' , sorry but that argument went out the window when we transitioned to a gender blind, egalitarian culture. Not saying that I agree with it, but it is the rule we now work under. Adding significance to her gender is a straight up double standard. Hunt's entire generation has been raised that there's no difference between the sexes so don't be surprised when he treats one the same way he would a man he was pissed at.
I would love to hear you make this argument in a courtroom. Since you know, your take seems to be the polar opposite of reality.


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Dec 30, 2010
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Hawknballs":3q4yuxmc said:
Osprey":3q4yuxmc said:

Worlds apart from the Ray Rice incident. Rice's was a brutal assault, and had every indication of long term abuse of a domestic partner. This was barely above a baseball 'fight' with a groupie. The kick wouldn't have moved a football far enough to qualify as an onside.

And for those that say 'but it's a woman' , sorry but that argument went out the window when we transitioned to a gender blind, egalitarian culture. Not saying that I agree with it, but it is the rule we now work under. Adding significance to her gender is a straight up double standard. Hunt's entire generation has been raised that there's no difference between the sexes so don't be surprised when he treats one the same way he would a man he was pissed at.

None of this matters because anyone with half a brain would have gone back to his room. He's a professional athlete surrounded by (large) friends obviously holding him back and he's not heeding their words. He repeatedly put himself back into the situation when at any time he could have de-escalated and left. he did not, instead choosing to charge back in, knocking her to the ground, bashing her face into a wall and then shoved (not kicked) her with his foot when she was already down and obviouisly dazed from the blow to her head. What's she like 100 lbs and he's a professional nfl running back?

Stop making excuses for idiots who for whatever reason refuse to get the big picture of their status and refuse to remove themselves from situations like this, despite a group of people obviously telling him to remove himself.

Osprey's reaction to an egalitarian society: Yes! We gets to punch the wymynz now and not even think twice about it.
Other people's reaction: Maybe dudes should stop punching other dudes now? Maybe it's a good time to reflect on humanity as a whole and work on being better?

For Osprey egalitarianism means everyone gets to treat one another equally awful and he would never lift a finger to stand in the way of that. For most others egalitarianism is a means to reorient how you treat everyone and raise your standard...

but I digress.

Edit: Okay at my most generous I can see Osprey saying he thinks egalitarianism opened pandora's box because other bad actors, not himself, never himself, use it to debase any sense of propriety they may have previously had. To which I ask...is he really pinning bad people doing bad things on egalitarian measures like giving women the right to vote or criminalizing a spouse raping another spouse, or does he kinda just only believe in natural rights loosey goosey as he sees fit? After all what was some of the genesis of recognizing women as equals and peers?

I can hardly believe he actually thinks bad faith actors interpreting egalitarianism to their own ends is a bigger indictment of a societal push towards egalitarianism than an indictment of bad faith actors existing at all.

Point blank - this matters not because she's a woman but because she's a human and most people with sense don't think hitting humans is how to handle your biz. He's oriented it so how he thinks some other men treat men is the gold standard of egalitarianism without even daring to examine why you too should think that's a good standard. This is very Fender.

Is it any surprise that someone who concern trolls against egalitarianism in the service of justifying why this is a nothing burger at best bitterly complains often about societal degradation?

Edit2: I'm even more bothered by Osprey's post because its ahistorical fantasy. For Osprey's premise to make any sort of sense it'd have be predicated on some foundation that in less egalitarian times, men hit women less frequently than currently because of some mythical man code that was understood by every male participant in society that it was just wrong to do so...because women were so obviously inequal. Do I even need to bring up why this is ahistorical fantasy or are we really going to dive deep into the cultural output of say...1955 where Ralph Camden used the threat of hitting his wife, sending her to the moon in fact, as A SIGNATURE JOKE OF THE HONEYMOONERS SERIES? Did you old heads seriously laugh at it cause you thought the hyperbole was funny?

http://time.com/3426225/domestic-violence-therapy/ What a grand time that must have been. Oh yah, abuse helps both the abuser and abusee work out their 'mental quirks', it's totally copacetic. 1964 baby, what a time to be alive.

The more you think about Osprey's version of some idealic bygone day, the more you have to think that he only understands that what he can observe first hand and is incredulous towards that which he can't observe, a pure empiricist. And simply put we didn't have people with a spot light on them get caught candidly womping on people with security cams. But you better believe some of your favorite athletes and actors and whatever were smacking the hell outta their wives while maintaining a dual identity of perfection. Cause society of yore permitted some pretty dubious things in relationships to transpire so long as you didn't let the indignity of it escape to others.

To Osprey the past was better because he was completely unaware of abuse and thus thinks it only really started being a problem because of a concurrent change in societal standards, ones he seems to fully disagree with on some level.

It's self indulgent ahistory to explain why society sucks now and why he's right and everyone else is wrong. And it comes up over and over again for him.


I am just wallbanged over here. If you strip Osprey's premise to a bare idea - a non trivial amount of men in today's society hit women because they believe women are true equals - it's rests on the unprovable and motivated assumption that these same individuals would have some sense of propriety and not have done it in days past. And despite mores about hitting people getting seemingly stricter over time (right? right.) these same mores seemingly don't apply to the individuals in question because they subscribe to a superceding 'equality' more...and remember the premise is this is a non trivial amount of men. Yes apprently there is a non trivial amount of men where the rationale to hit another person rests on gender equality and supercedes the social more of not hitting people... :34853_doh:

Bing Crosby, champion of egalitarianism ahead of his time or just scummy abuser that knew how to keep it on the DL? Cmon.

I wonder what Osprey's take is on sexual abuse in the churches. I mean after all, you never heard of that back in the day right?


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
For sure getting suspended and deservedly so. Will it happen right now? Chiefs season is over if it happens...which it should.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
Yep..hes done and so are the Chiefs. I'm guessing he gets a year suspension and is cut.

NFL placed Kareem Hunt on the Commissioner Exempt List.

This was expected after the Chiefs sent Hunt home from practice Friday. Hunt will be on paid leave while on the exempt list, meaning he'll make his weekly salary but can't play in any games. The Chiefs have been aware of the domestic violence allegations against Hunt since February, but it wasn't until the release of a TMZ video that the league was forced to step in. Hunt could miss the rest of the regular season and playoffs while the NFL looks into the incident. Spencer Ware will take over as Kansas City's feature back.


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Sep 25, 2012
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Cyrus12":mii5hzsy said:
Yep..hes done and so are the Chiefs. I'm guessing he gets a year suspension and is cut.

NFL placed Kareem Hunt on the Commissioner Exempt List.

This was expected after the Chiefs sent Hunt home from practice Friday. Hunt will be on paid leave while on the exempt list, meaning he'll make his weekly salary but can't play in any games. The Chiefs have been aware of the domestic violence allegations against Hunt since February, but it wasn't until the release of a TMZ video that the league was forced to step in. Hunt could miss the rest of the regular season and playoffs while the NFL looks into the incident. Spencer Ware will take over as Kansas City's feature back.

Aware since Feb of allegations only or does that include the video? That’s a long time to be sitting on a video, if true.

So from this article it seems the NFL and Chiefs tried to view the tape to validate Hunt’s answers to their questions, but were never given the opportunity before TMZ did. Kinda odd the police dept didn’t assist in some way, while a gossip site gets it. Anyways....

http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/2542 ... xempt-list


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2011
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I watched the video twice.

I don't condone or support physical braws / fighting / DV in any way,

Don't know what the situation was nor who these people were.

But I don't see this is being very bad.

Not worthy of releasing him, but I understand that these issues have been in the NFL for a while and it's PR for a team.

Big loss for the Chiefs.

James in PA

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
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Aaand the NFL moves that much closer to another Stealers or Patriots Super Bowl appearance.

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James in PA

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
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I heard that Eddie Lacy and Thomas Rawls are both available!

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