Evaluating a .NET policy on selling Tickets

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Feb 23, 2007
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.Net Retirement Home
This exact topic has been discussed just this week with my staff, and very valid points were made, but this is where I settled with them, and what I'll share with you now.

To me, the spirit of the rule is to put seahawks fans in touch with seahawks fans so we can keep our seats filled with 12's, and I want to ensure we use our community to benefit everyone, not just the seller's bank account.

I understand and believe that some may want to get more than face value because of many factors, and for that I offer up the hundreds of other avenues to sell. For now, I want people to buy and sell at .NET to benefit the community and keep our seats occupied by fellow 12's as a community.

The Radish

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Feb 27, 2007
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Spokane, Wa.
Perhaps you didn't understand that there is a classfied forum here onsite.

Also I happen to know there are dozens of season ticket holders that live out of state that attend a few game and have fans here that buy their unused tickets for games. I know that because for a couple of years when I was able to do the walking we did that very thing with one of our members.

Of course that was at face value.

Also for your information the moderator staff has no access to PMs. If your guy didn't answer you PM that should be your answer right there.

As personal aside,,,you probably knew when you shelled out big bucks for PSLs you knew this might come up. Is it our fault? Remember this is a privately held site, not stubhub or something else so we can make our own rules and one to stay the hell out of these things is one of those advantages.



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Apr 30, 2009
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I see Luker's point. But legally, its a can of worms that should not and cannot be opened.

I recognize his point of view and don't think he's coming from a position of trying to use the forum to make a profit. He's trying to regain his investment because of the ridiculous NFL seat license fee crap.

I think the tone of this thread would obviously be different if he didn't divulge that he dropped 12K on seats. But he did, and that aroused suspicions.

This site is free. Its revenue to keep the servers up comes from donations and the like. This isn't craigslist, with a consistent revenue stream. Allowing marked up tickets to be bought and sold on this website would require hiring lawyers to draft a craigslistian policy and disclaimer that releases Seahawks.net from all financial and legal culpability. Furthermore, the allowing of marked up seats would result in an influx of the classic unsavory ticket resellers.

I get his want, but its a no can do. Craigslist is a great place for it. I sell everything, marked up, on there.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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There is an obvious reason that should make it a nobrainer.

There is additional monetary and brand risk, for no/little additional monetary gain.

Sites like Stubhub make money on people selling seats, that additional cost is incorporated into their business model. Since this place does not offer it, I am assuming it won't.

What possible reason could there be for this site to allow ticket brokering (or worse) with all the additional headaches that stem from it.

Now you have to have quality control, mediation of disputes, and you have to somehow keep out the blatant fraud. Add to that possible legal costs from other parties (up to and including the NFL itself?) and unanticipated costs (legal or otherwise) and please share where the additional revenue would come from that would offset the potential costs/increased risk?

At least in assuring they are face value, you remove the profiteering and most of the incentives for fraud. (Who is going to scam someone at face value when they can at least get market for their risk?) And there could certainly be argued that it was a service for the public good if someone like the NFL dropped a hammer giving other sites the "exclusive" rights to for-profit ticket sales.

You are asking someone to risk their business, incur additional risks/costs in order to provide a "free" service for you to make a profit for yourself. Also, you have to remember that any additional services require additional resources so that means that time/money spent on the site in some areas needs to be cut to provide this service for your own profit.

That is kind of ridiculous.


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Feb 23, 2007
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.Net Retirement Home
TwistedHusky":cpy4tabu said:
There is an obvious reason that should make it a nobrainer.

There is additional monetary and brand risk, for no/little additional monetary gain.

Sites like Stubhub make money on people selling seats, that additional cost is incorporated into their business model. Since this place does not offer it, I am assuming it won't.

What possible reason could there be for this site to allow ticket brokering (or worse) with all the additional headaches that stem from it.

Now you have to have quality control, mediation of disputes, and you have to somehow keep out the blatant fraud. Add to that possible legal costs from other parties (up to and including the NFL itself?) and unanticipated costs (legal or otherwise) and please share where the additional revenue would come from that would offset the potential costs/increased risk?

At least in assuring they are face value, you remove the profiteering and most of the incentives for fraud. (Who is going to scam someone at face value when they can at least get market for their risk?) And there could certainly be argued that it was a service for the public good if someone like the NFL dropped a hammer giving other sites the "exclusive" rights to for-profit ticket sales.

You are asking someone to risk their business, incur additional risks/costs in order to provide a "free" service for you to make a profit for yourself. Also, you have to remember that any additional services require additional resources so that means that time/money spent on the site in some areas needs to be cut to provide this service for your own profit.

That is kind of ridiculous.

Excellent synopsis of the reasoning behind my stance!


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
TwistedHusky":2dbvf6hb said:
There is an obvious reason that should make it a nobrainer.

There is additional monetary and brand risk, for no/little additional monetary gain.

Sites like Stubhub make money on people selling seats, that additional cost is incorporated into their business model. Since this place does not offer it, I am assuming it won't.

What possible reason could there be for this site to allow ticket brokering (or worse) with all the additional headaches that stem from it.

Now you have to have quality control, mediation of disputes, and you have to somehow keep out the blatant fraud. Add to that possible legal costs from other parties (up to and including the NFL itself?) and unanticipated costs (legal or otherwise) and please share where the additional revenue would come from that would offset the potential costs/increased risk?

At least in assuring they are face value, you remove the profiteering and most of the incentives for fraud. (Who is going to scam someone at face value when they can at least get market for their risk?) And there could certainly be argued that it was a service for the public good if someone like the NFL dropped a hammer giving other sites the "exclusive" rights to for-profit ticket sales.

You are asking someone to risk their business, incur additional risks/costs in order to provide a "free" service for you to make a profit for yourself. Also, you have to remember that any additional services require additional resources so that means that time/money spent on the site in some areas needs to be cut to provide this service for your own profit.

That is kind of ridiculous.

And that's a wrap! /threaddone


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Apr 30, 2009
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I feel the owner can make all the money he wants to on his tickets. Like was mentioned, there are many places he can do that.

But...I would like to point out that he will make back his PSL money, and then some probably, should he ever sell his rights to those seats. Just as did the guy who sold them to him. Somehow thinking he needs to make that back now seems silly.

Tell you what, Luker. I will buy all of your tickets for the forseeable future, with your PSL fee that you want to make up added on. When I reach the full amount of your PSL fee, you can fedex the documentation transferring their ownership over to me.

Sounds good to me.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2012
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To add to all the woes on risky business, we also become a magnet for people who would just become members for purely buying and selling versus not adding any constructive value on discussing Seahawks. I have been to so many forums and sites in the past, and this is one of the best I have found and enjoy. I wake up and read this site and before I fall asleep I read this site not to mention the numerous times I read it constantly. I love all the posts, the emotions and a wealth of information. Members who breakdown press conferences, even put them down in words, the various view points of different members and also the little bit of ego or we will call it "pride". Its just amazing!


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
I look at it as a greed versus goodwill to the Forum, unscrupulous individuals find an in and take advantage of our membership, fraud or identity theft etc can happen with profit and we as in .Net and Rockhawk have to deal with all the fallout and while the seller simply dissapears.

We have always been a freindly and giving community here, I personnally do not want Money to destroy a lot of the reputation and freindships and yes trust in each of my fellow 12's here that has been built over years and years of integrity.


Jun 26, 2013
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When you lay out the money for season tickets it's risk and reward. Everyone knows that If the team is good and you have to sell, you can make money, if the team sucks, chances are you will lose money. Everyone has their own opinion. Saying its right or wrong doesn't really matter. why not let people post their tickets?
I think you'd get a better deal here then on stub hub. If people don't mind spending more money they can buy them. People who are only looking for face value, try to get lucky here or look someplace else.
Why limit people on this board from getting tickets

Ok, just read the post prior to this one, makes sense for the administrators to keep scalping off this board


New member
Sep 18, 2013
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Not sure why everyone is ripping this guy. I'd be happy to pay 1.5 over face for those tickets. I just paid $200 for upper nose bleed tix for the Rams game ($65 face) and then me and my buddy paid an usher $50 to let us sit in two empty seats mid level.

It's supply and demand.


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2009
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Issaquah, WA
I wish I could have sold some extra tickets I had on here. I would have sold then cheaper than I did on Craigslist. I tried stubhub but those fees are ridiculous. I side with the OP but is it not legal to just say you are selling seats and to PM for price. I also don't hold it against anyone who seeks their tickets. After many years where they can't sell them they should be able to make a little when we are good.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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I don't think you meant any harm with this thread, Luker, but that comment about donating more than a poster makes in a year? Cmon bro! That didn't you any favors


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Aug 21, 2012
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I'd gladly pay 1.5 to double face value from a season ticket holder here than pay that anyway plus the big fees ALL the resellers charge.

Atleast you would be having a Seahawks fan in the seat as opposed to anyone from any of the reseller sites.
The Hawks are a hot ticket , just the way it is.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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dradee":x1d1y1ze said:
I'd gladly pay 1.5 to double face value from a season ticket holder here than pay that anyway plus the big fees ALL the resellers charge.

Atleast you would be having a Seahawks fan in the seat as opposed to anyone from any of the reseller sites.
The Hawks are a hot ticket , just the way it is.



Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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I would like to share an anecdote.

Last year I had a huge anniversary and what I wanted more than anything is to take my wife of 15 years to a Seahawks game in Seattle. I wanted to give her a part of me, and in many ways the Seahawks are. I feel blessed to be able provide the necessities of life but don't make a lot of money by any stretch of the imagination.

Luckily for us, the Hawks were playing on the week of our anniversary. I arranged babysitters, flights, hotel, rental car, everything EXCEPT tickets. I was unable to find any I could afford, I had bid on multiple eBay tickets, but they always fell through and I just couldn't afford stubhubs prices. I had resigned myself to either canceling the trip or sitting in the nosebleeds for two bills a ticket.

With just a few days before the game, I reached out on .net and asked if anyone was not going to be able to attend the game last minute, and if they couldn't, I would buy their tickets at face value. I think it was Friday or Saturday, I received a PM asking if I still needed tickets. I did. He said he and his wife were not able to attend the game and he would be more than happy to let me have the tickets. I was almost in tears. I asked for his paypal account so I could send him money. He wouldn't take a cent. I got the tickets via NFL ticket exchange and about died when I saw the face value. I think they were club section 235 IIRC and the face value was $367.00 EACH. I knew I couldn't afford these, but I wanted to give him something. I texted him again and his only reply was "Just cheer as loud as you can".

It was the most magical anniversary I have ever had, we screamed our heads off as we watched our Hawks win in stunning fashion against the Patriots. I don't think this member will ever truly know how grateful I was for his generosity. Who gives a complete stranger a $750 gift? But that's just it.....this site is different. It will always be that way for me, It does feel like a family at times, including the ups and downs. I totally get where lukerguy is coming from (you're going to sell them anyway), but support the policy here on .net


Sep 18, 2012
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rjdriver":a8n002xx said:
I would like to share an anecdote.

Last year I had a huge anniversary and what I wanted more than anything is to take my wife of 15 years to a Seahawks game in Seattle. I wanted to give her a part of me, and in many ways the Seahawks are. I feel blessed to be able provide the necessities of life but don't make a lot of money by any stretch of the imagination.

Luckily for us, the Hawks were playing on the week of our anniversary. I arranged babysitters, flights, hotel, rental car, everything EXCEPT tickets. I was unable to find any I could afford, I had bid on multiple eBay tickets, but they always fell through and I just couldn't afford stubhubs prices. I had resigned myself to either canceling the trip or sitting in the nosebleeds for two bills a ticket.

With just a few days before the game, I reached out on .net and asked if anyone was not going to be able to attend the game last minute, and if they couldn't, I would buy their tickets at face value. I think it was Friday or Saturday, I received a PM asking if I still needed tickets. I did. He said he and his wife were not able to attend the game and he would be more than happy to let me have the tickets. I was almost in tears. I asked for his paypal account so I could send him money. He wouldn't take a cent. I got the tickets via NFL ticket exchange and about died when I saw the face value. I think they were club section 235 IIRC and the face value was $367.00 EACH. I knew I couldn't afford these, but I wanted to give him something. I texted him again and his only reply was "Just cheer as loud as you can".

It was the most magical anniversary I have ever had, we screamed our heads off as we watched our Hawks win in stunning fashion against the Patriots. I don't think this member will ever truly know how grateful I was for his generosity. Who gives a complete stranger a $750 gift? But that's just it.....this site is different. It will always be that way for me, It does feel like a family at times, including the ups and downs. I totally get where lukerguy is coming from (you're going to sell them anyway), but support the policy here on .net

That's awesome!


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Dec 27, 2012
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rjdriver":u5kz8riz said:
I would like to share an anecdote.

Last year I had a huge anniversary and what I wanted more than anything is to take my wife of 15 years to a Seahawks game in Seattle. I wanted to give her a part of me, and in many ways the Seahawks are. I feel blessed to be able provide the necessities of life but don't make a lot of money by any stretch of the imagination.

Luckily for us, the Hawks were playing on the week of our anniversary. I arranged babysitters, flights, hotel, rental car, everything EXCEPT tickets. I was unable to find any I could afford, I had bid on multiple eBay tickets, but they always fell through and I just couldn't afford stubhubs prices. I had resigned myself to either canceling the trip or sitting in the nosebleeds for two bills a ticket.

With just a few days before the game, I reached out on .net and asked if anyone was not going to be able to attend the game last minute, and if they couldn't, I would buy their tickets at face value. I think it was Friday or Saturday, I received a PM asking if I still needed tickets. I did. He said he and his wife were not able to attend the game and he would be more than happy to let me have the tickets. I was almost in tears. I asked for his paypal account so I could send him money. He wouldn't take a cent. I got the tickets via NFL ticket exchange and about died when I saw the face value. I think they were club section 235 IIRC and the face value was $367.00 EACH. I knew I couldn't afford these, but I wanted to give him something. I texted him again and his only reply was "Just cheer as loud as you can".

It was the most magical anniversary I have ever had, we screamed our heads off as we watched our Hawks win in stunning fashion against the Patriots. I don't think this member will ever truly know how grateful I was for his generosity. Who gives a complete stranger a $750 gift? But that's just it.....this site is different. It will always be that way for me, It does feel like a family at times, including the ups and downs. I totally get where lukerguy is coming from (you're going to sell them anyway), but support the policy here on .net

This is prob the best in laymen terms and as an example. (And btw RJ thats a really amazing anniversary pres!)
I know hell or high water I'm going to need to get tx next for us vs the Broncos ..(Wife's a denver fan) She grew up there and hasn't been home since we married, just havent had the financial freedom to SO hoping to be able to give her a gift of seeing her team play (of course we'll be smacking them but we already know that :D )
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