Russell Wilson Claims to be Abstaining with Ciara


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aawolf":37jag2gf said:
The most famous Jesus quote on the subject, also quoted above: Mark 10:

6 “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’7 ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,8 and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9 Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.

Too late for that . . . for both of them actually.

Russell is free to do and say what he wants. At the same time, we are free to disagree with him about whether the voices in his head are correctly attributable to God or whether abstaining from premarital sex should be the righteous standard that all non-married couples are held to.

Personally, I don't see either choice as a positive . . . just choices that he has made and chosen to publicly broadcast. To each his own.


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SnoCoHawk":3nngd64s said:
That being said, I assume Russ is secretly gay or something. :lol I thought Wendy Williams nailed it when she said she didn't believe those two were a couple at all.

Hold up lol, Russ is secretly gay but you're quoting Wendy Williams relationship talk lol........okay lol

hawknation2015":3nngd64s said:
Russell is free to do and say what he wants. At the same time, we are free to disagree with him about whether the voices in his head are correctly attributable to God or whether abstaining from premarital sex should be the righteous standard that all non-married couples are held to.

Personally, I don't see either choice as a positive . . . just choices that he has made and chosen to publicly broadcast. To each his own.

The way I figure is he just calls what I would call a sub-conscious or internal dialogue "God". I haven't experienced "God" talking and am not religious, but I assume they just use God where I would say it's my brain internally communicating ideas. I think of it as a internal dialogue and it seems to be what he is talking about in which it helps sort negative things into future positives, he just calls it God.....?


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Kansas City, MO
SnoCoHawk":3sol0vs7 said:
I've never understood why people who "save themselves" for marriage and then get a divorce suddenly act like it's free-for-all when they're single again. Is sex something special to be shared only within the confines of matrimony, or not? Russell's way makes more sense to me then, say, Jessica Simpson outspokenly waiting until marriage to have sex but then getting a divorce, and having tons of flings and eventually babies outside of marriage.

That being said, I assume Russ is secretly gay or something. :lol I thought Wendy Williams nailed it when she said she didn't believe those two were a couple at all.
1. Is there some rule saying Christians are perfect I haven't seen in the Bible?

2. I suggest you read Corinthians and what God actually said about premarital sex( if you decide to do it you better stay with that person) not that it's strictly forbidden big difference in that tiny detail.

3. Why do you give a fig about what Russell and Ciara do or don't do in the bedroom?


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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
erik2690":tuak0hi8 said:
SnoCoHawk":tuak0hi8 said:
That being said, I assume Russ is secretly gay or something. :lol I thought Wendy Williams nailed it when she said she didn't believe those two were a couple at all.

Hold up lol, Russ is secretly gay but you're quoting Wendy Williams relationship talk lol........okay lol

hawknation2015":tuak0hi8 said:
Russell is free to do and say what he wants. At the same time, we are free to disagree with him about whether the voices in his head are correctly attributable to God or whether abstaining from premarital sex should be the righteous standard that all non-married couples are held to.

Personally, I don't see either choice as a positive . . . just choices that he has made and chosen to publicly broadcast. To each his own.

The way I figure is he just calls what I would call a sub-conscious or internal dialogue "God". I haven't experienced "God" talking and am not religious, but I assume they just use God where I would say it's my brain internally communicating ideas. I think of it as a internal dialogue and it seems to be what he is talking about in which it helps sort negative things into future positives, he just calls it God.....?
Correct. I call it the Holy Spirit which is fairly similar to how you conceptualize it. There are important differences but you have a lot of the gist.


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McGruff":23yvuati said:
jammerhawk":23yvuati said:
McGruff":23yvuati said:
jammerhawk":23yvuati said:
This revelation is way more information than I need as a fan. What could possibly be the rationale in publishing this gossip other than some prurient interest designed to be pejorative of RW's credibility or something equivalent? It really represents a new level of salacious lowness in he conversation around Wilson. I could actually care, less and his sexuality is an area that is irrelevant to me as a fan.

Well, to be fair Jammer, two thoughts come to mind, only one of which is specifically targeted at you . . .

First and most specifically, this "message" Russell shared wasn't really targeted towards football fans. It was shared at a church with a pastor and his congregation. It was a matter of faith, and its intent is NOT to inform fans of Wilson's sexual activities but to encourage other believers in their faith-fueled choices. That it ends up posted on a fan-site is hardly Wilson's fault. Many churches video and release their sermons, but what happens with them after they enter cyber-space is beyond their control.

Secondly and more generally, if people don't want to hear about Russell's dating life, don't click on threads that are obviously about Russell's dating life, like one titled "Russell Wilson Claims to be Abstaining with Ciara."

Not every thread is of interest to every fan, and not every thread needs to be clicked.

Agree totally!

The 'message' however formed part of a segment on the local sports radio this a.m., and has unfortunately become part of the discussion surrounding Wilson when it was just part of conversation at church. The posting of it now on a fan site shows just how starved the faithful fans are of information about RW when the subject matter is truly irrelevant. The reporting of the 'message' and the posting of it here is truly just salacious gossiping.

My point is: what has changed with Wilson that makes any of this this any more informative about Wilson?

So it's really more of a critique of the sports media creating stories about celebrity culture instead of reporting on sports? That I can totally agree with. As a Christian who shares Russ' values I l9ve this stuff, but think the reporting of belongs more to a faith based forum or a celebrity culture forum. And most certainly NOT sports radio.

I believe you now have my concern, and the reporting of this is just gossip but salacious gossip not legitimately in the realm of the area they ought to be reporting or discussing. Voyeurism of a fashion if you will.

In a sense the subject matter should be privileged as between Wilson and his pastor or his congregation if that is how it came about but somehow has become low gossip. "Hey, have you heard our boy Russ isn't doing it with Ciara, must be a weirdo?" Instead of a real commentary on the extent of Wilson's morals, it is low gossip and salacious. What is the purpose of reporting it; does it change a thing except to lower, at least to some, the perception of Wilson? Is Wilson somehow different, does it really provide more information about a man we already know is a devote Christian? I suspect really it is just gossip designed to sell advertising. What Wilson does with his girlfriend, if not unlawful, is no ones business but theirs. The reporting of it to me is out of bounds.

What's next?


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Apr 17, 2012
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Rocket":1y4jrhm3 said:
lvnginhwktwn":1y4jrhm3 said:
I have some really cheap beach front property in Montana to sell you.
I grew up there, been all over it and haven't found the beach. Can you send me a link, please? Sounds promising.
( Flathead doesn't count, nor even Georgetown )

Flathead came to mind first, and it would count, except that it's frozen 11 months of the year. Glacier runoff. Still frozen even though it appears to the untrained eye to be liquid. However, there IS actual beachfront property, sand included at no extra charge, at numerous wide spots along the Clark Fork River.

JSeahawks":1y4jrhm3 said:
Just to make things clear and out in the open, i'd like you all to know that I too am practicing abstinence with Ciara.

Regrettably, I am taking a vow of solidarity with you bro, and I am abstaining with Ciara too.


Oct 30, 2010
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Northeastern Pennsylvania
The way I figure is he just calls what I would call a sub-conscious or internal dialogue "God". I haven't experienced "God" talking and am not religious, but I assume they just use God where I would say it's my brain internally communicating ideas. I think of it as a internal dialogue and it seems to be what he is talking about in which it helps sort negative things into future positives, he just calls it God.....?[/quote]

Let's just hope, God doesn't tell him to quit playing football.


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Dec 31, 2014
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Seattle, Washington
nepahawk":1y1b2nja said:
The way I figure is he just calls what I would call a sub-conscious or internal dialogue "God". I haven't experienced "God" talking and am not religious, but I assume they just use God where I would say it's my brain internally communicating ideas. I think of it as a internal dialogue and it seems to be what he is talking about in which it helps sort negative things into future positives, he just calls it God.....?

Let's just hope, God doesn't tell him to quit playing football.

I just hope the next thing God tells Wilson is "Sign your contract extension with your team, for there is more to life than making as much money as you possibly can."

“The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." (1 Timothy 6:9-10).

Jesus warned, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” (Luke 12:15).

"You cannot serve both God and money.” (Matthew 6:24).

Matthew 19:16-22

16 Just then a young man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”

17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”

18 “Which ones?” he inquired.

Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, 19 honor your father and mother,' and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’”

20 “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”

21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.


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Jun 27, 2015
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I have a lot of problems with using bible quotes against him negotiating a contract for money in todays world. Whether you believe it or not there are guys on this team just as wrapped in scripture as Wilson who got more money than the bible would "allow" for. It just feels like a non-starter of an argument to throw that back at him. The bible also says don't work on Sunday so we'd be screwed. He also said he'd be fine with a gay teammate which I'm sure some of his bible reading friends wouldn't find very cool. Jesus also condoned slavery. Let the dude cherry pick as long as he behaves nicely to other people because despite what anyone says they are all cherry-picking to an extent. So knowing that, (that cherry picking is unavoidable) acting like he has to adhere to the quotes about money or else be some fraud just strikes as a weak argument. There's great arguments for signing a non-take all the money deal, I don't find this tactic to be one of them. Whatever the bible says, the reality is money can facilitate the greater good for both you and others. The argument of leaving money to have a better team strikes as just orders of magnitude more of a worthy argument than some bible quotes about money=bad in a modern society where 99% genuine believer or not is going to maximize their monetary value.


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May 2, 2009
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Jon Ryan would be all up in that.

Just sayin'

#Ryan4QB #TradeRuss #DualThreat


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Dec 31, 2014
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Seattle, Washington
erik2690":qsfzlqum said:
I have a lot of problems with using bible quotes against him negotiating a contract for money in todays world. Whether you believe it or not there are guys on this team just as wrapped in scripture as Wilson who got more money than the bible would "allow" for. It just feels like a non-starter of an argument to throw that back at him. The bible also says don't work on Sunday so we'd be screwed. He also said he'd be fine with a gay teammate which I'm sure some of his bible reading friends wouldn't find very cool. Jesus also condoned slavery. Let the dude cherry pick as long as he behaves nicely to other people because despite what anyone says they are all cherry-picking to an extent. So knowing that, (that cherry picking is unavoidable) acting like he has to adhere to the quotes about money or else be some fraud just strikes as a weak argument. There's great arguments for signing a non-take all the money deal, I don't find this tactic to be one of them. Whatever the bible says, the reality is money can facilitate the greater good for both you and others. The argument of leaving money to have a better team strikes as just orders of magnitude more of a worthy argument than some bible quotes about money=bad in a modern society where 99% genuine believer or not is going to maximize their monetary value.

I happen to think guarding against greed is one of the positive morals that the Bible espouses, much more positive than certain interpretations on the righteousness of abstaining from premarital sex or divorce. Strictly following the Saabath is more of an Old Testament commandment, with the New Testament saying that such strict observance is of “no value” under the new order (Hebrews 13:9) and not to "let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day" (Colossians 2:16). To my recollection, Jesus never said anything explicitly about slavery in the Bible, although the Old Testament and the Apostle Paul in the New Testament did defend slavery. I would also disagree with you about 99% of the population maximizing their monetary value. I think far more people spend their time doing things they enjoy or helping others than in total pursuit of money.


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I respect his decision, if it's in fact true. If it's something they've agreed to do, or not do in this case, then that's on them.

I'm just in the camp that is tired of hearing of everything RW. I really do like the guy, but it's becoming a little ridiculous.


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Jul 1, 2012
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The Rain Forest
This off-season will go down as the STRANGEST Hawk off-season of all. Hands down, bar none.
So sayeth the shepherd, so sayest the flock.


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Jan 21, 2015
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Tical21":1qk711kk said:
I really like him doing this. I'm not religious, but morality has slid far enough. It is going to take popular young role models to make it cool to abstain. I really appreciate what he's trying to do.

It's really cool. Not quite coolest ever, cool, but more like Cam Newton plus a little extra, cool.

Fun fact... Ciara also dated Cam Newton for a while.



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Jan 21, 2015
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Hasselbeck":1uxucujp said:
Jon Ryan would be all up in that.

Just sayin'

#Ryan4QB #TradeRuss #DualThreat

Jon already has a babe of a fiance.

Sarah Colonna >>>> Ciara