Sky is Falling.


Oct 2, 2012
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I'm in 100%.

Russell is one of the most frustrating players, of any sport, I've ever watched play, however.
Ibid for PC, as a coach.
But I love them.

There's no way I'm rolling the dice with "the field" over these two, to keep Seattle a strong contender for the foreseeable future. I hope we sign Russell back and he ends his career here in 2025.

We might end up a one-timer, I don't know. Right now I don't care.

I'm excited for the youth of this team.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
You're either with the team or you're not. This back and forth crap is pretty weak from the "12s" :roll:
This is going to be an up and down year, a lot of injuries, a ton of youth. Suck it up and pull for your team.
No need to assume the worst, but if that's what you need to do, fan how you want.


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May 1, 2009
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RCATES":qzxnwgsr said:
xray":qzxnwgsr said:
I said the sky has already fallen because it has. This is old news I know but the fall started with the LAST play of THAT super bowl. You will say that I"m living in the past but THAT play poisoned the Hawk organization and many fans, am not alone in thinking THAT play and execution destroyed what could have been a dynasty. The players on the team that day never were the same after that. They knew at the time something that most people didn't know that football politics were the reason for THAT call. Carroll really did not like Lynch but adored Wilson like many in this forum. Give Lynch the ball and win a second superbowl 100%. I would bet my house on that. Lynch would of been MVP and that would of spoiled what Carroll wanted ;which is get Wilson the MVP award. Plus Wilson had the option to change that play and didn't. The worst play call and execution in super bowl history. That team with maybe the best defense and run game lost faith and respect for Carroll and Wilson and the team started to fall apart. The Hawks should of had 3 rings by now. I have been a Hawks fan since 1976 I do want them to win but I really want Wilson and Carroll to just go away .Wilson will soon be the only player left from THAT day. He will get his next big contract and the rest of the team will languish under the weight of that. I won't live long enough to see another Seahawk super bowl. What could of been. :irishdrinkers:

100% agree. Every since that play Pete made it clear that this team now is about RW. Lynch said cya and this team has gotten worse every year. Like you said earlier “what could have been.” This team is not going to another SB for a long time. You should post more. Need more smart football minds on this forum.

How about football minds who point out that Wilson's statistically best season came AFTER that Super Bowl?

Or is that not the kind of smart you wanted?


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Nov 16, 2015
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RCATES":1cj49776 said:
xray":1cj49776 said:
I said the sky has already fallen because it has....

100% agree. ....You should post more....

That Kodak moment when RCATES tells xray he should post more. :34853_doh:


Mar 13, 2013
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#1 - Will Dissly is not a 'stud' until we can look at his entire body of work through the season.
#2 - Penny is not a 'bust' for the same reason.
#3 - We only had 14 carries the whole game. To bitch that Carson only got 7 of them is to ignore that A) the main problem was we didn't run the ball enough period, and B) His YPC probably would have gone down to the point it wouldn't be such a disparity between his and Penny's numbers - with the effect the altitude had on him.


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Sep 17, 2013
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I'm in...but we're gunna stink it up the next few games. Come November I feel the team will make great gains going into next season.

The malcontents that were on this team are gone...bring on the future.


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Jan 27, 2015
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I see this team's effort tonight (sans Shaq Griffin) and I'm reminded of the mid 90s teams, and a very painful level of Offensive Futility.

Russ is awful. He's indecisive and jittery. He just can't get rid of the ball, under pressure or not.

Where is the running game? Pete said that Penny didn't quite show enough in Week 1, but I seem him in there getting 1 or 2 yards every other play, and Carson is riding the bench.

And where is the "creative" play calling to stop the rush? Where are the slants, the promised screen passes? I thought we stopped calling 5-second developing plays when we know the O-line can't last 2 seconds.

If we win 4 games this year, it'll be a miracle.


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Oct 7, 2014
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pmedic920":18582o1u said:
Who’s in?

Y’all know who you are, post up.

Sure, it’s frustrating when your team doesn’t live up to your expectations.

It’s absolutely understandable that you don’t have the same confidence that you had a couple/few seasons ago.

Do you understand that there are 5, five players left from our SB48 team?

Seriously, I’d like for us to justify our complaints.
Are you willing to put yours in writing?

We have, without a doubt, or legitimate argument, the best QB/head coach combo in the history of the franchise.

We actually had a great draft this year.
Young guys are in training, and I’d guess we have a couple of future ProBowlers up and coming.

Can we talk?
Be honest, justify your complaints, don’t talk shit, keep it real.

Why are you so discouraged with this team, our coaching staff, and/or the QB?

What problems do you see the Seahawks having that are unique to the Seahawks?

I’m actually optimistic for the future as a Hawk fan, give me reason to not be, I want to be in “the in crowd”.

Ready, Set, Go.

Hey what can you do. This will be a tough year. First, IFedi is absolutely awful. He's going to get Russ killed out there this year. Just wait. But the bottom line is when you can't run block, or pass block, and no one can get consistent separation down the field, it's Check Mate. This team can't score. Period. Everyone says that Russ is holding the ball too long and has to get rid of it faster. Who is he going to throw it to? Occasionally Brandon Marshall gets free, and he's old. I love the team but I'm a realist and it's going to take some time to turn this around. My thoughts are ride this season as far as it will go and hold onto as many draft picks as you can.


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Aug 18, 2012
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seahawkfreak":39apgf6l said:
hawksincebirth":39apgf6l said:
I was anti pete from the jump , he proved me wrong and won a bowl. Forever greatfull. But I won’t forgive him for dismantling one of the best teams EVER assembled. I’ve been a fan of the Seahawks and Seahawks alone my whole entire life. My all time favorite qb is Jon kitna, so no I’m not “spoiled” we had a legit chance at a three peat. I can’t and won’t forgive pete for this. That doesn’t make me less of a fan than the guys who think this team is a lineman away from glory. I believe pete is done. Russ is savable but I think he needs a new coach, one who will force him to get better, not endorse sandlot football. I hope we win em all but I don’t think we win more than 6 games

I really liked Jon too. Really thought he was going to be our guy but it just didn't happen. Really enjoyed the progression of our team during the early 00's (aughts) though. Glad we got to have Matt Hasslebeck.
Always loved hass


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Aug 22, 2011
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So I was wondering if any of the "everything is fine, we're still going to the playoffs!" folks wanna respond after last night? Do you still think that this team is a contender? Do Pete and John still have the ability to bring this team back? If you think these things, why? Maybe after last night it is really incumbent on the positive people to justify their positive view. I mean, I think that what I saw last night proves my thesis that this team has fallen off the cliff. How would you prove the the ski isn't falling?


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Nov 16, 2015
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seanmatt":17uqlaag said:
So I was wondering if any of the "everything is fine, we're still going to the playoffs!" folks wanna respond after last night? Do you still think that this team is a contender? Do Pete and John still have the ability to bring this team back? If you think these things, why? Maybe after last night it is really incumbent on the positive people to justify their positive view. I mean, I think that what I saw last night proves my thesis that this team has fallen off the cliff. How would you prove the the ski isn't falling?

You are talking about only a couple people on here saying that out of thousands, the vast majority knew it would be a tough season.

My question to you. Would you rather be "right" and have the loss or "wrong" and have the win?


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Aug 22, 2011
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SoulfishHawk":3kcftlwk said:
Does that make you feel better? Yes, the team is struggling. Better?

No. I knew that I was right and knew that what I projected would happen. But I get it, the positive folks can attack the realistic folks (create posts like this) but the moment that the realistic folks ask the positive people to justify their positivity they get attacked. Hope that your snarky response to be made you feel better. I get that this must be especially hard for the positive folks to deal with the reality of this team.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
You knew NOTHING. It's a prediction of doom and gloom. They lost, and you seem to be happy about what you perceive to be you being right about it. Congrats.

This is the type of thing that is just baffling. The few that actually seem to enjoy being right about the team and/or a player not being successful. All just to be right? Being right about something bad is fun???


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Aug 22, 2011
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SoulfishHawk":2dhwie0j said:
You knew NOTHING. It's a prediction of doom and gloom. They lost, and you seem to be happy about what you perceive to be you being right about it. Congrats.

This is the type of thing that is just baffling. The few that actually seem to enjoy being right about the team and/or a player not being successful. All just to be right? Being right about something bad is fun???

Calm down bro. Breathe. It's OK. The team stinks and I get that it's hard for folks to realize that their glasses were rose colored, but don't shoot the messenger man. See, this is a discussion board. And I was trying to have a discussion. Crazy! I know. Have a good Tuesday. Try not to kick any puppies.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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SoulfishHawk":2hel277s said:
You knew NOTHING. It's a prediction of doom and gloom. They lost, and you seem to be happy about what you perceive to be you being right about it. Congrats.

This is the type of thing that is just baffling. The few that actually seem to enjoy being right about the team and/or a player not being successful. All just to be right? Being right about something bad is fun???

You're an optimistic dude Soulfish, and I dig that.

But sometimes it is frustrating when discussing the negative things about the Hawks, and fans just pretend it's still 2015 and we're rolling.

We're not, things are not good, so it's OK to discuss the negative. Doesn't mean we're not true fans, or loyal to our Hawks. Just means we're being realistic and honest.