POLL: If We Get Smoked Tonight...

If We Get Smoked Tonight...

  • Ima gunna come on .NET and LIGHT THIS PLACE UP!!!

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • I'm going to wear my emotions on my sleeves and say things I might not say after a day or two.

    Votes: 4 4.6%
  • I'm going to be calm and speak my truth.

    Votes: 15 17.2%
  • Hang out on .NET after another drubbing?? Are you NUTS?!?

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • Meh. I already expect it so I will be chill.

    Votes: 53 60.9%
  • Other. (Read my comments)

    Votes: 10 11.5%

  • Total voters

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Definitely "already expect it."

IMO this game is the secondary story to what's going on right now with the Hawks. Because if Pete, his staff and this roster don't show up and at least impress with their effort and talent? Then the wheels are gonna fall completely off the rest of the season.

They go into Dallas, get boat raced and again look as soft, mistake prone and as bad as they have in every other big game this year against superior opponents? It's time for Allen and the rest of the Hawk brass to take a serious look at major changes.

These last two drafts were Pete and John's chance to show Jody that they can turn the roster over again to make another serious SB run.

So yeah, this game, and these next two games aren't just games for this organization. People are playing for their careers and jobs. I sure hope they all feel that.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
I'm for whatever result signals / causes a shift in the way we have been playing. If we win and win 'luckily' by odd circumstance but for the most part look the same schematically, i'm not going to be optimistic about the season. If we lose and get embarrassed, I'd actually feel better than a 'same'ol' win if it means more drastic changes are in the cards.

So i guess i'm numb to the result, unless we show that we have shifted philosophy, actually play well, and lose. That would be a bummer. Of course, if we show marked improvement and win, that's all good, if it carries over.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2022
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HUGE game.

They $#!7 the bed against SF, that was the game Seattle was going to see if they could hang with the big boys, they got curb stomped.

Now, it's time to see what the team has going on mentally/inside. Do they have it in them to put last week behind them, rise up, and right the ship.

A lot of staffers/players going to be earning their paychecks tonight.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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What say ye?
If we get smoked tonight, after the shit show that has been the last few weeks - I suppose it would be expected.

But, it doesn't stop me from shaking my head, and just lamenting the loss of opportunity and talent. We should be so much better than this with the pieces that we have in place.

So much better.

I honestly think that all of the 'issues' have been kinda discussed ad-nauseum. Playcalling, coaching, expensive talent not living up to any kind of expectations, whether that's a DK, or a Clark, or a Williams, or a Dre'mont or whoever.

Sure, we're built for the future, but honestly - I thought we were kinda selling the farm for a window THIS year - and we're seemingly far from that.

Only PC can fix it at this point - and it doesn't seem like he's super motivated to actually do that.

Honestly - I liked the pre-munich season last year alot better than the deflated tire broken down on the side of the road that we seem to be getting this year. At least, although somewhat delusional, it seemed like we were 'going somewhere' last season.

For all the fanfare - legitimate and otherwise, it just seems like we're gonna rinse and repeat the end of last season. Hope for a bunch of shit to go our way, fall ass backwards into the playoffs if the vikings stumble, and one and done.

Sorry - just kind of a depressing weather day here - and I hope we don't get curb stomped tonight!

We've got some bright spots in Spoon, and JSN, and a few others - but we shoulda coulda been Owl bound this year (whether or not you thought Geno was the guy or not).


Active member
May 2, 2009
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I might go crazy during the game, but after it I let all anger flow away so I should be ok. I expect the loss, but as I said before this is the game I would not be surprised if we pull an upset. We’ll see. Anyway I will be here to see the reactions, no matter what happens it will be entertaining!!! (The reactions, not the game)


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
Living amongst a bunch of Dallas fans I dread the thought of this game.
The dread I feel is based on my current expectations, I see another embarrassing loss in the works.

I have no doubt about the talent that our team has, I doubt our ability to game plan for a specific team/situation.

Well coached teams understand the strengths and weaknesses of their own team AND those of the opponent, they create a game plan accordingly.
It appears to me that we do not take into account those things, we do what we do and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.
I don’t expect it to work in our favor tonight.

This place sucks when our team is sucking.

James in PA

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
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The 2nd Rams loss was it for me as far as "anger" goes with this version of the Seahawks. Now I'm just looking forward to MAJOR changes. I'm not sure it's going to happen as soon as I want with our invisible owner, but I can still hope. Right now I'm just feeling exhausted with this team. This was supposed to be 2012. Not happening. Pete's never gonna recapture 2012, let alone 2013. The sport has evolved. He hasn't.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Living amongst a bunch of Dallas fans I dread the thought of this game.
The dread I feel is based on my current expectations, I see another embarrassing loss in the works.

I have no doubt about the talent that our team has, I doubt our ability to game plan for a specific team/situation.

Well coached teams understand the strengths and weaknesses of their own team AND those of the opponent, they create a game plan accordingly.
It appears to me that we do not take into account those things, we do what we do and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.
I don’t expect it to work in our favor tonight.

This place sucks when our team is sucking.

I don't think Pete's ever been a good schemer.

It might be the most enlightening thing we've learned over his entire tenure here. He's relied on having superior athletes out hitting, running and imposing their will on our opponents.

So when we go up against teams with even better more physical athletes than us? You get Baltimore and SF games, and I suspect another one of those tonight against a vastly more physically talented team in Dallas.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
I don't think Pete's ever been a good schemer.

It might be the most enlightening thing we've learned over his entire tenure here. He's relied on having superior athletes out hitting, running and imposing their will on our opponents.

So when we go up against teams with even better more physical athletes than us? You get Baltimore and SF games, and I suspect another one of those tonight against a vastly more physically talented team in Dallas.

We seem to take the stance of….

We are to do what we do, beat us if you can.
Over the years good coached teams have figured us out and they do beat us, lately it’s been like red headed step children.

James in PA

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
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Well… I’m expecting an L.. however post game conferences I better not hear some stupid shit from the coaches.
So true. The game itself won't have me angry. The stupid s*#! that's said afterwards will though. "Really disappointing game tonight. We had a couple moments there where we're thinking ok, here we go, but then the (insert bad result here) happened and we just couldn't do anything after that. I know I sound like a broken record, but 3rd downs continue to be a problem. We convert 2 or 3 more of those a game and it's a different story."


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
I'm going to be calm and speak truth. As the famous Bill Parcells once said . You are what your record says you are.

No reason for me personally to be upset , it's our of my hands . I as have many on here said what we think should happen . Sometimes in passionate anger but it is what it is. Like Aros said in a post awhile back ... We've been through a lot as fans over the years and we were fortunate enough to see a FREAKING LOMBARDI .
I never thought it would happen and I feel so lucky to have seen it in my lifetime. (Paraphrased of course)

Of course I want more , the last conversation I had with Les (Radish) we
Talked about this exact thing. I think much of the ruckus on .net is because we thought this team was farther along than they are. It is what it is...

Enjoy the game , the throwbacks and peace.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2015
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I’m fully expecting a loss. I just don’t want an embarassing loss like the past several games….at least look competitive! Jeez.

I don’t mind posters on dot net when they are happy or when they are upset and frustrated!

I love the dot net community!

I’ll still frequent dot net every single day even in the off season even if the Seahawks are terrible and definitely when they are great!

It’s my team and football is my thing!

I love dot net and I feel like posters here are more rational than at other places.

Let’s goooo!!! Let’s see what happens tonight, but, please make it competitive tonight!


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2022
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I’m hoping for a win, but I am expecting a loss. I don’t think there’s gonna be changes made at this point .

With our roster, I would think we could compete with anybody. That’s the most frustrating part.

If you put it into perspective, you’re lucky if you get to see your team win the Super Bowl twice in your lifetime. The coaching staff has done a great job at being competitive this last decade but it all leads to the same repeatable result.

Sometimes, change can make things more exciting than they previously were. That doesn’t mean we’re gonna go out and go undefeated with a new staff but, I’m definitely tired of seeing the same old product year after year.

Winning in the NFL is hard… no doubt…but I feel as if we have some all pro – caliber type players on our team, and they are not being used to their potential.

If we flat out sucked….I guess it would be easier to swallow (woah….maybe I should reword that last sentence). But we don’t. We have some ballers….


Jan 3, 2013
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I put chill because I expect it but I may need a night to vent a little and then get back on track tomorrow lol


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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I’m fully expecting a loss. I just don’t want an embarassing loss like the past several games….at least look competitive! Jeez.

I don’t mind posters on dot net when they are happy or when they are upset and frustrated!

I love the dot net community!

I’ll still frequent dot net every single day even in the off season even if the Seahawks are terrible and definitely when they are great!

It’s my team and football is my thing!

I love dot net and I feel like posters here are more rational than at other places.

Let’s goooo!!! Let’s see what happens tonight, but, please make it competitive tonight!
#metoo. Losing is one thing. Not unexpected, but a little bit of a downer.

Looking foolish and inept once again, however, just destroys any hope that this team is on the right path. Every game where the Seahawks are totally out-coached chips away at the tiny sliver of hope that the coaching staff will ever turn it around.

My head says there is -0- hope, but my heart just won't let go of that last thread. It's tough to keep watching ugly, crappy football while trying to keep hold of that thread.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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I don't think Pete's ever been a good schemer.

It might be the most enlightening thing we've learned over his entire tenure here. He's relied on having superior athletes out hitting, running and imposing their will on our opponents.

So when we go up against teams with even better more physical athletes than us? You get Baltimore and SF games, and I suspect another one of those tonight against a vastly more physically talented team in Dallas.
This is a very interesting point.

Makes me reflect on the fact that Pete used to take pride in a 'simple' defense/scheme. "We're gonna keep it simple, execute better than you, and come straight at you".

When he kept it simple - I didn't think that it was for HIM, not the players!