Aldon Smith arrested for DUI this morning--UPDATE


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Dec 18, 2012
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rlkats":207w5ros said:
BS Marvin he should be traded or loss of pay for the year to make an example of him. The league has coddled these prima donnas for far to long. Thats the issue not his sacks

Slow down sparky.

Trading him accomplishes nothing. All you do there is trade arguably the best Pass Rusher in the game away to a team who will gladly put up with him. He should be suspended for whatever length of time is mandated by the NFL. I support that move.

We had an OLB who was very popular in the Bay Area and the team was chastised for YEARS for trading him away. THAT guy pissed on the coaches car, made comments to other players about their wives, and used to masturbate in meeting rooms.

Who was that guy? Charles Haley.

I guarantee you that if the 49ers let him go and Seattle picked him up this forum would be calling it pure genius.

That's to be expected tho. Its the Niner fans who come out of the woodwork now and stay stupid stuff like "he wasn't that good anyway" who drive me nuts. He IS that good. He also clearly has issues.


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Dec 18, 2012
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dontbelikethat":3foytx44 said:
Marvin49":3foytx44 said:
As for Aldon playing this week....

I've been thinking about this all morning. I'm kinda of the opinion that he should play. Punishing the team and the fans isn't going to accomplish anything and in reality this is kinda a league matter. If the Niners don't play him and THEN the league suspends him, you are effectively suspending him twice by two different bodies. I can see the "its a league matter" view. I kinda also kinda like that he was forced to practice today even though I'm sure he felt like crap and didn't want to be there. Man up, face your teammates and get to work.

Having said all that though I can easily see why someone would think the opposite. I've been on the fence about it all day.

Why shouldn't he play? The only reason he wouldn't play is if the 49ers want to make their own emphasis on the situation and sit him out/suspend him. If the 49ers suspend him or not, I'm pretty sure that won't hold affect on what the league will do. Yeah taking him out would affect the team and fans, but it's no different than any other off field violation that leads to a suspension for any other player? The main point of it is to show him that he doesn't have the right to play in the NFL, it is in fact a privilege and that he'll lose a game check on top of that. The outgoing effect of him being gone is what affects the team and fans, him being gone isn't a direct punishment to them and is only enforced because of the actions of himself, but yes it will obviously affect the team and fans.

I think it'll take a little while for the NFL to come out with a punishment or anything for this, so I expect him to be on the field for Sunday. His distant future is out of his hands for now and all he can do is continue to prepare for the next game he'll be able to play in even if that's next week or weeks from now.

Again...on the fence. I don't blame anyone who thinks he shouldn't play. My biggest thing is what you just said tho...if they sit him they are effectively adding more to his suspension. Its not like the NFL will see the Niners suspended him and then shorten their suspension. Its kinda like too many chefs in the kitchen. It should be one or the other, not both. At least that's where I've kinda arrived on it.


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May 15, 2012
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No he is good no denying that. And Charles Hayley was a dick but not a dope head drunk that puts other peoples life on the line BIG diff. The ASS HAT should be in jail.


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May 15, 2012
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Sorry Flayva I am completely against DUIS for a personal reason. I let emotions get in the way


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Marvin49":2zvgdblo said:
Again...on the fence. I don't blame anyone who thinks he shouldn't play. My biggest thing is what you just said tho...if they sit him they are effectively adding more to his suspension. Its not like the NFL will see the Niners suspended him and then shorten their suspension. Its kinda like too many chefs in the kitchen. It should be one or the other, not both. At least that's where I've kinda arrived on it.

Actually, for my understanding, that is exactly what they would do. Goodell has stated multiple times that he would not enforce a suspension on both the team level and the league level. If the team handles it in house, Goodell will not step in. There have been examples of this, but I don't really care about arguing a point I know is true, and so does Harbaugh.

If he wants to be above reproach step in before Goodell has to, and set a standard.


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Jan 18, 2013
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dontbelikethat":3hwavos3 said:
Why shouldn't he play?

Because he got wasted and presumably drugged up on a work day and missed most of practice because of it. This situation is different than those where a player gets a DUI in the off-season or off-day. This directly affected the team, and it's also the latest in a disturbing pattern of bad behavior coming from this player. I think Harbaugh should sit him for the game and also accept the league imposed suspension later. I would feel the same way if it was a Seahawks player.


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Dec 18, 2012
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rlkats":2mki96lq said:
Sorry Flayva I am completely against DUIS for a personal reason. I let emotions get in the way

NP....I don't have much patience for it either. As I said before, I have a friend who is paralyzed because of a drink driver.

My point is not to defend his actions. My point is that he should be held accountable just like anyone else...not MORE than anyone else because he happens to be in the public eye. A lot of people have done things they aren't proud of. Fortunately most of them don't see it all over the news for people to make judgments on. Aldon should and likely will be suspended. I just don't think he should or will be traded or released.


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Dec 18, 2012
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DavidSeven":30derzhj said:
dontbelikethat":30derzhj said:
Why shouldn't he play?

Because he got wasted and presumably drugged up on a work day and missed most of practice because of it. This situation is different than those where a player gets a DUI in the off-season or off-day. This directly affected the team, and it's also the latest in a disturbing pattern of bad behavior coming from this player. I think Harbaugh should sit him for the game and also accept the league imposed suspension later. I would feel the same way if it was a Seahawks player.

I don't blame you.


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Dec 18, 2012
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HawksFTW":lyt41byn said:
Marvin49":lyt41byn said:
Again...on the fence. I don't blame anyone who thinks he shouldn't play. My biggest thing is what you just said tho...if they sit him they are effectively adding more to his suspension. Its not like the NFL will see the Niners suspended him and then shorten their suspension. Its kinda like too many chefs in the kitchen. It should be one or the other, not both. At least that's where I've kinda arrived on it.

Actually, for my understanding, that is exactly what they would do. Goodell has stated multiple times that he would not enforce a suspension on both the team level and the league level. If the team handles it in house, Goodell will not step in. There have been examples of this, but I don't really care about arguing a point I know is true, and so does Harbaugh.

If he wants to be above reproach step in before Goodell has to, and set a standard.

...and there's the out of context quote again.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Marvin49":1ru62m11 said:
HawksFTW":1ru62m11 said:
Marvin49":1ru62m11 said:
Again...on the fence. I don't blame anyone who thinks he shouldn't play. My biggest thing is what you just said tho...if they sit him they are effectively adding more to his suspension. Its not like the NFL will see the Niners suspended him and then shorten their suspension. Its kinda like too many chefs in the kitchen. It should be one or the other, not both. At least that's where I've kinda arrived on it.

Actually, for my understanding, that is exactly what they would do. Goodell has stated multiple times that he would not enforce a suspension on both the team level and the league level. If the team handles it in house, Goodell will not step in. There have been examples of this, but I don't really care about arguing a point I know is true, and so does Harbaugh.

If he wants to be above reproach step in before Goodell has to, and set a standard.

...and there's the out of context quote again.

Ok, take away that quote. I like how you ignore everything else I said. The league WOULD NOT suspend Smith again if the team did it first, and would also shorten any suspension if it ran longer than the team suspension. This is a guy who is drunk, and most likely more (stoned and on pills) on a work day. And still expects to play on Sunday? What type of organization is Harbaugh running over there?


Aug 21, 2013
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Helsinki, Finland
HawksFTW":3b268duu said:
Marvin49":3b268duu said:
Again...on the fence. I don't blame anyone who thinks he shouldn't play. My biggest thing is what you just said tho...if they sit him they are effectively adding more to his suspension. Its not like the NFL will see the Niners suspended him and then shorten their suspension. Its kinda like too many chefs in the kitchen. It should be one or the other, not both. At least that's where I've kinda arrived on it.

Actually, for my understanding, that is exactly what they would do. Goodell has stated multiple times that he would not enforce a suspension on both the team level and the league level. If the team handles it in house, Goodell will not step in. There have been examples of this, but I don't really care about arguing a point I know is true, and so does Harbaugh.

If he wants to be above reproach step in before Goodell has to, and set a standard.

HawksFTW, is correct with his statement ... I have seen an interview on NFLN), where
he addresses a situation very similar to what the Niner brass are presently faced with.


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Dec 18, 2012
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HawksFTW":2nmydxip said:
Marvin49":2nmydxip said:
HawksFTW":2nmydxip said:
Marvin49":2nmydxip said:
Again...on the fence. I don't blame anyone who thinks he shouldn't play. My biggest thing is what you just said tho...if they sit him they are effectively adding more to his suspension. Its not like the NFL will see the Niners suspended him and then shorten their suspension. Its kinda like too many chefs in the kitchen. It should be one or the other, not both. At least that's where I've kinda arrived on it.

Actually, for my understanding, that is exactly what they would do. Goodell has stated multiple times that he would not enforce a suspension on both the team level and the league level. If the team handles it in house, Goodell will not step in. There have been examples of this, but I don't really care about arguing a point I know is true, and so does Harbaugh.

If he wants to be above reproach step in before Goodell has to, and set a standard.

...and there's the out of context quote again.

Ok, take away that quote. I like how you ignore everything else I said. The league WOULD NOT suspend Smith again if the team did it first, and would also shorten any suspension if it ran longer than the team suspension. This is a guy who is drunk, and most likely more (stoned and on pills) on a work day. And still expects to play on Sunday? What type of organization is Harbaugh running over there?

I didn't respond because I'm not sure if that is true or not. Not saying it isn't...just saying I don't know. Could be.


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Dec 18, 2012
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FlayvaMeister":2ifbsmuu said:
HawksFTW":2ifbsmuu said:
Marvin49":2ifbsmuu said:
Again...on the fence. I don't blame anyone who thinks he shouldn't play. My biggest thing is what you just said tho...if they sit him they are effectively adding more to his suspension. Its not like the NFL will see the Niners suspended him and then shorten their suspension. Its kinda like too many chefs in the kitchen. It should be one or the other, not both. At least that's where I've kinda arrived on it.

Actually, for my understanding, that is exactly what they would do. Goodell has stated multiple times that he would not enforce a suspension on both the team level and the league level. If the team handles it in house, Goodell will not step in. There have been examples of this, but I don't really care about arguing a point I know is true, and so does Harbaugh.

If he wants to be above reproach step in before Goodell has to, and set a standard.

HawksFTW, is correct with his statement ... I have seen an interview on NFLN), where
he addresses a situation very similar to what the Niner brass are presently faced with.

hrmmm. More on the fence again then.


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Nov 30, 2010
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DavidSeven":32ci7yms said:
dontbelikethat":32ci7yms said:
Why shouldn't he play?

Because he got wasted and presumably drugged up on a work day and missed most of practice because of it. This situation is different than those where a player gets a DUI in the off-season or off-day. This directly affected the team, and it's also the latest in a disturbing pattern of bad behavior coming from this player. I think Harbaugh should sit him for the game and also accept the league imposed suspension later. I would feel the same way if it was a Seahawks player.

I understand the argument, but again the only reason the 49ers would punish him is to emphasize how wrong he was in what he did. But also by doing this, they hinder their ability to win, and in this business, it's tough to just take that talent away. Basically my thinking is, "No need for him to hurt the team's ability to win anymore than he already has or will, especially considering that we'll probably be missing him sometime soon.", which leads me to believe that I don't think the 49ers are goona do anything about it.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Marvin49":3n4rpldz said:
rlkats":3n4rpldz said:
BS Marvin he should be traded or loss of pay for the year to make an example of him. The league has coddled these prima donnas for far to long. Thats the issue not his sacks

Slow down sparky.

Trading him accomplishes nothing. All you do there is trade arguably the best Pass Rusher in the game away to a team who will gladly put up with him. He should be suspended for whatever length of time is mandated by the NFL. I support that move.

We had an OLB who was very popular in the Bay Area and the team was chastised for YEARS for trading him away. THAT guy pissed on the coaches car, made comments to other players about their wives, and used to masturbate in meeting rooms.

Who was that guy? Charles Haley.

I guarantee you that if the 49ers let him go and Seattle picked him up this forum would be calling it pure genius.

That's to be expected tho. Its the Niner fans who come out of the woodwork now and stay stupid stuff like "he wasn't that good anyway" who drive me nuts. He IS that good. He also clearly has issues.
7 AM. Kids riding bikes to school. Any you spend 90 percent of your words talking about how much you want to have Aldon's babies, then give yourself a caveat with He Has Issues.

Charles Haley never risked people's lives drunk and high.

I had a shred of respect for you Marvin. Had.


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Mar 5, 2007
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To Marvin: Yeah, it is true. I am positive someone somewhere along the chain of command knows the rule, in SF. Not sure how you can condone that type of behavior, especially in light of the fact that it was a few hours from practice time. Anything other than a team suspension is condoning it, and you know it.

I agree with Scotte here, Marvin you lost all amount of respect I had for you as a poster. You have shown your true colors in the last few days.


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Dec 18, 2012
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Scottemojo":15697jnh said:
Marvin49":15697jnh said:
rlkats":15697jnh said:
BS Marvin he should be traded or loss of pay for the year to make an example of him. The league has coddled these prima donnas for far to long. Thats the issue not his sacks

Slow down sparky.

Trading him accomplishes nothing. All you do there is trade arguably the best Pass Rusher in the game away to a team who will gladly put up with him. He should be suspended for whatever length of time is mandated by the NFL. I support that move.

We had an OLB who was very popular in the Bay Area and the team was chastised for YEARS for trading him away. THAT guy pissed on the coaches car, made comments to other players about their wives, and used to masturbate in meeting rooms.

Who was that guy? Charles Haley.

I guarantee you that if the 49ers let him go and Seattle picked him up this forum would be calling it pure genius.

That's to be expected tho. Its the Niner fans who come out of the woodwork now and stay stupid stuff like "he wasn't that good anyway" who drive me nuts. He IS that good. He also clearly has issues.
7 AM. Kids riding bikes to school. Any you spend 90 percent of your words talking about how much you want to have Aldon's babies, then give yourself a caveat with He Has Issues.

Charles Haley never risked people's lives drunk and high.

I had a shred of respect for you Marvin. Had.

Oh get off the f*ckin soapbox scotty. JEEZ.

I've spent the lions share of this thread saying he was stupid for what he did and that I support a suspension. You take this one post to another 49er fan and make it out like you are somehow morally superior.

Please. Welcome to my ignore list.


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
What's the conversion rate for how many sacks running over a kid while drunk is worth to 49ers fans? Four for a 30-sack season? Five if he gets another seven sacks in the postseason, plus a sixth kid for another Lombardi?

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