Aldon Smith gets drunk and fired shots towards others


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Dec 18, 2012
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QuickLightning":2wpjgryw said:
Crabtree's incident was a foursome with three girls. You guys are just grasping at straws.

Big time...

BTW...more detail on Aldon.

He may face criminal charges for OWNING the guns, not firing them. He purchased them in Arizona and the magazine is illegal in CA (magazine should require special tool to remove and it didn't). In these kinds of cases tho it's usually not prosecuted.

As for the firing part, supposedly he did fire a gun into the air....after some thugs had entered the party, were asked to leave, an altercation broke out, and he was stabbed. He fired into the air to break it up (again, after he had already been stabbed) and people on the other side of the street fired back hitting the victim.

The police essentially view it as self defense which is why there is no criminal charges based on the firing of the gun...only possession of the gun.

The part that sucks is that he may face prosecution because the DA doesn't want to appear lenient to Celebs....even tho if it WEREN'T a celeb there would likely be no prosecution.


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May 25, 2011
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QuickLightning":pk71f8xm said:
Crabtree's incident was a foursome with three girls. You guys are just grasping at straws.

And Sherman's bottle was tainted.

It works both ways.


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Dec 18, 2012
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RichNhansom":18tug3tp said:
QuickLightning":18tug3tp said:
Crabtree's incident was a foursome with three girls. You guys are just grasping at straws.

And Sherman's bottle was tainted.

It works both ways.

It does...which was my point. Smoke does not equal fire.


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Aug 24, 2012
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Anchorage, AK
Marvin49":3ec8afj3 said:
The part that sucks is that he may face prosecution because the DA doesn't want to appear lenient to Celebs....even tho if it WEREN'T a celeb there would likely be no prosecution.

I spent 2 years in prison because of that kind of thinking


Plexico Burress


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Jul 26, 2013
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NFL teams have too much money on their minds to worry about morals. If your legal process has taken it's course (like the situation with cox) then regardless of public opinion you will find a job... Assuming you can play.

This goes for the 49ers the Hawks and every other team. Big ass rock fight goin on in a neighborhood full of glass houses in this thread.


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Aug 2, 2013
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"Big ass rock fight goin on in a neighborhood full of glass houses in this thread." --John_Redcorn

Well done, sir. Well done...



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May 25, 2011
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Go to the web zone.. there's not a sole in there that believes Sherman was innocent including Marvin.

Take your lumps Marv, I'm not on your home field. Your over here and you know for a fact that Sherman is considered guilty there just like we assume that your rapists, gun toters and beer bottle assualters are considered guilty here. If you don't like our opinion then go somewhere that you do.


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Dec 18, 2012
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RichNhansom":v6j631bd said:
Go to the web zone.. there's not a sole in there that believes Sherman was innocent including Marvin.

Take your lumps Marv, I'm not on your home field. Your over here and you know for a fact that Sherman is considered guilty there just like we assume that your rapists, gun toters and beer bottle assualters are considered guilty here. If you don't like our opinion then go somewhere that you do.

I'm not sure what you're point is.

I simply said Pot meet Kettle.

If you are gonna live in a glass house I'm going to point out that your walls are in fact made of glass.

I don't talk about PEDs here for exactly the reason you doesn't get us anywhere. I only commented on it because it seemed kinda hypocritical. Do I think Sherman is guilty? I doesn't matter what I think. Anyone in Seattle will think he's innocent. You can't preach when you are guilty of the same sin.


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May 25, 2011
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Go to the web zone.. there's not a sole in there that believes Sherman was innocent including Marvin.

Take your lumps Marv, I'm not on your home field. Your over here and you know for a fact that Sherman is considered guilty there just like we assume that your rapists, gun toters and beer bottle assualters are considered guilty here. If you don't like our opinion then go somewhere that you do.


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Dec 18, 2012
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RichNhansom":3i4mxzl3 said:
Go to the web zone.. there's not a sole in there that believes Sherman was innocent including Marvin.

Take your lumps Marv, I'm not on your home field. Your over here and you know for a fact that Sherman is considered guilty there just like we assume that your rapists, gun toters and beer bottle assualters are considered guilty here. If you don't like our opinion then go somewhere that you do.


Again...he misses the point.


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May 25, 2011
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Marvin you are the one missing the point. With Sherman it was reported that the seal was broken, the sample was tainted and the PH balance was off. Have you heard me or any other Seahawks fans clinging to that info as proof?

You and mretrade are clinging to anything you can to turn your guy and your team into the victim. That is the exact point. On the web zone I can understand taking that stance but here it won't fly as easily. I have never proclaimed Sherman innocent and acknowledge he might not be. You are the grasping at straws while trying to convince us all these situations are mere circumstance and in reality your guys are the real victim.

Sorry but I don't buy it. There are to many problems popping up on your team for these all to be chance. There is always two sides to a story and I would bet money there is information that is not public that that would change the public perception. It's called damage control and is dictated by who has the money.

Example. Until this lawsuit no one heard that Aldon fired a gun. That changes the dynamic of the story significantly and begs the question, what else don't we know. It is equally fishy that the local DA pulled the warrant on Brooks stating there wasn't enough info when we know they have signed statements from multiple credible witness's.

Acknowledge that there is a chance that these guys aren't always the victim and maybe you gain a little credibility but as long as your in a Seahawks web site trying to makes Seahawks fans look like the bad guys, you will be laughed at and seen for what yoy are.

I'm at work so excuse spelling.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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RichNhansom":1via8wpl said:
Marvin you are the one missing the point. With Sherman it was reported that the seal was broken, the sample was tainted and the PH balance was off. Have you heard me or any other Seahawks fans clinging to that info as proof?

You and mretrade are clinging to anything you can to turn your guy and your team into the victim. That is the exact point. On the web zone I can understand taking that stance but here it won't fly as easily. I have never proclaimed Sherman innocent and acknowledge he might not be. You are the grasping at straws while trying to convince us all these situations are mere circumstance and in reality your guys are the real victim.

Sorry but I don't buy it. There are to many problems popping up on your team for these all to be chance. There is always two sides to a story and I would bet money there is information that is not public that that would change the public perception. It's called damage control and is dictated by who has the money.

Example. Until this lawsuit no one heard that Aldon fired a gun. That changes the dynamic of the story significantly and begs the question, what else don't we know. It is equally fishy that the local DA pulled the warrant on Brooks stating there wasn't enough info when we know they have signed statements from multiple credible witness's.

Acknowledge that there is a chance that these guys aren't always the victim and maybe you gain a little credibility but as long as your in a Seahawks web site trying to makes Seahawks fans look like the bad guys, you will be laughed at and seen for what yoy are.

I'm at work so excuse spelling.

Again...missing the point.

This has nothing to do with Sherman. It has to do with the assumption of innocence...which EVERYONE deserves.

Don't stand there and be critical of 49er fans who think this is BS when in the same paragraph you are defending Sherman. It doesn't matter what my opinion is. It only matters that you are gonna defend your guy just as you are accusing 49ers of doing.

Glass house. Its no more complicated than that.

As for the charge itself, I'm honesly disappointed in Aldon that the thing took place, but there are some things to keep in mind. He was trying to break the thing up. That was why he fired into the air. He had already been stabbed by UNINVITED guests. he asked them to leave and they wouldn't. Now what he should have done was immediately call the police and I score that one to youth and immaturity, but your initial post on this topic was essentially "where there's smoke theres fire" argument about the ENTIRE TEAM. As if to say it a team full of criminals.

My response was to say "Pot meet Kettle" on the issue of PEDs. Sherman wasn't the only guy who got hit with it. There is a reason people call them the Seadderall Seahawks. I don't play that game so I'm not gonna use that lame term (outside of just using the reference right there). I could make the EXACT SAME "Where there's smoke there's fire" argument and kinda suggest that there is cheating going on in the locker room in Seattle. Team santioned?

Just to be clear here, that is NOT what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that if you are going to live in a glass house (protecting your team in regards to PEDs) then don't throw stones (attacking 49er fans for defending their team).

What I do find funny here is the title of this thread and all the attacks on Aldon...when Delanie Walker is a codefendant here. He's a Titan tho, so clearly he CAN'T be as guilty as Aldon, right? I defended Delanie because what he's accused of doesn't make any sense when you consider the type of person he is thought to be...but all Seahawks fans care about is that its a current Niner being accused....IE the NAME OF THE THREAD. Moreover, Aldon wasn't accused at firing at people. Delanie was.

IE, get off the soapbox. You are guilty of everything you are accusing 49er fans of.


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May 25, 2011
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Now two people shot? Drugs at the party? Hmmm, wonder what else we don't know. Anyone wonder why Aldon was carrying a gun at a party thrown at his own house? What could go wrong? Poor poor victim Aldon is.


Mar 5, 2007
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What kind of baller charges his guests admission and drink fees? Lame. At least pull his man card for that.


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May 25, 2011
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Marvin Marvin Marvin, please show me where I am defending Sherman.

The smoke and fire is directed at your whole team because this isn't an isolated incident. There's also rape and assault charges in question. Multiple rape I guess. I only knew about Crabs rape but your guy volunteered the other. I'm sure there is plenty we don't know about also.

Your glass house it pure bullshit because I am not defending anyone or excusung it away and even if I were it wouldn't be on your teams website.


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Jul 26, 2013
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RichNhansom":pcra9joo said:
Now two people shot? Drugs at the party? Hmmm, wonder what else we don't know. Anyone wonder why Aldon was carrying a gun at a party thrown at his own house? What could go wrong? Poor poor victim Aldon is.
I own a gun and i have ppl over to drink and bbq... If someone sticks me with a pocket knife a few times in my own home you better believe I am getting my gun.

I dont know all the details just saying...