Is This A Dream?


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Sep 30, 2013
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Montana, Washington, Texas....Washington
This thread is full of win! If you read this, I think you should share a photo or tell your story of why you love your Hawks. Tell about a game you went to, you met a hot "12" chick, you partied with another fan and made a new friend. Maybe, you hugged a 49er fan after the win. Talk about the Hawks and what they mean to you!

I was in Texas for the Seahawks game vs the Texans and stumbled upon some local fans Twin Peaks, they took me on a journey and invited me to the tailgate. I was alone and now I had a group of 12's to hang with as we watch the Seahawks burn down Houston. We partied like rock stars and I met some great people during that trip. It was because of that game I met some great friends, fellow hawks fans who were traveling and fans from this very site. It is because of that experience that I am writing this now on :D

Superbowl Time!


Sep 29, 2010
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Great post.

I have the same story but it was the 1979 Sears catalog instead of JC Penneys. For Christmas I decided I wanted a Seahawks bike and when it was shipped I had to decide what numbers I wanted to put on the front. Spent a long time wavering between 80 and 10 and ultimately went with Zorn. Growing up in So. Cal. took a lot of crap for riding a Seahawks bike but never regretted it for a minute.



Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Orting WA, Great Northwet
I was in high school when we were awarded a franchise. We had an assembly at school where some players showed up to build enthusiasm for the new Seahawks club. I remember thinking at the time that they didn't look that different from any of us in high school! Having only seen football players on TV, I guess I expected them to be bigger than life or something. They were two guys we'd never heard of at the time - Jim Zorn and Steve Largent. At our little high school in Sumner WA.

Then, there I was living in northern San Diego County in the 80s, after being in and back out of the Navy. I always repped my Hawks, but it was hard in those days to catch 'em on TV. I spent a lot of Sundays at a sports bar back then. My best bet was when we played the Raiders, because there was a Raiders bar (that was also a Marines bar) in Oceanside. Luckily for me, many of my friends from work were retired Gunnery Sergeants, so even though they all cheered for the wrong team they also had my back. I went there all the time all decked out in my Seahawks gear, getting just a buttload of crap and giving it right back! The small prop bets flowed constantly - "I bet he gets a first down here!" or "I bet he gets his ass sacked!" with a dollar or five on the line.

I was working in my garage and drinking a beer, listening to the AFCCG against the Raiders. When we lost, I hucked my beer bottle across the garage so hard that I literally dented the piston deck on an engine I had on a stand. I was still picking up glass shards when I sold the house 6 years later.

In 1987, my second daughter got bacterial meningitis. She was 5, and we were worried sick about her. In the hospital, they told her she could watch any show she wanted, any cartoon. Her choice? "I want to watch my daddy's Seahawks!" You know her on here as PrincessHawk these days.

In the 90s, we moved back. The team sucked, but I never missed a game. in 92, I was hunting almost every weekend and I listened to every game on the truck radio, through the static and poor reception of the mountains. I still can't believe how many games we lost on opponents having a career-best game/play/run/FG/whatever - we should have won 6 games that year! At least I was finally able to afford season tickets, which I kept throughout the end of the KingDome and the first year at Husky Stadium. Had to give 'em up when I bought a house so that my Dad (who got cancer) and Mom could have a place to stay since Dad couldn't work.

Then SB XL*.

Now, here we are. On the brink of being back-to-back Superbowl champions. I can't believe it. I remember when Percy Harvin took the second-half kickoff back last year and the realization hit me that we were really, truly going to win it all. I had to sit back down because I almost passed out during the runback!

And by the way, I heard today that we're the 12th team to make it back to the Superbowl the next year after appearing the year before. Therefore, this is pre-ordained that we win.




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May 2, 2009
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Was born in 84 .. it was engrained into me from day one that I would become a Seahawks fan. My grandfather would not have it any other way.

My first real memories of the Seahawks occurred around 1990 and went on from there. Ironically, one of the games I still remember to this day was the incredible Seahawks-Patriots matchup.. that for some reason unbeknownst to me.. was on television in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They would win that game.. I was happy. They would then rattle off 1 win in their next 13 games. And that one fateful win over the Patriots screwed them out of a franchise quarterback that would have probably been the best QB in team history.. and who knows what would have happened after that.

Little did I know, when I was 8 years old.. that the Seahawks were so bad that even their wins would hurt.

Little did I know.. that after 23 years of "next year is our year!" .. it finally was our year. And now we are less than 24 hours away from maybe doing it all again.

Surreal feeling. And really its only felt by the fans that have been in it for the long haul. Really makes this all special.


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Jan 7, 2015
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Same story. Being here in AZ and seeing all these 12s. It's even a huge change just from super bowl XL!! Thank you Paul Allen for making the 1976 4 year-old me dreams reality.


May 1, 2009
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Graduated high school in 76. Heard about the 2 new teams. Being all growed up and stuff now that I was a man I decided to pick a new team. Just couldn't justify the orange and became a manly Seahawks fan. Lived in Vancouver WA for 78-79 season and that cemented it. Been obnoxious and loyal ever since. As a Seahawks fan in Socal life can be pretty lonely football wise but I discovered a group on a Sporting News BB. I got directed to Seahawks 98 and have not felt alone as a fan since. Have lurked since then but wanted to weigh in as a displaced member of the 38 club. Lombardi trophies? Yeah we'll take 2...for now...


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Jul 27, 2013
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I also feel very lucky to have been coached in HS by Sherman Smith. He brought out some guys to help, Jeff West taught me to punt. Paul Johns taught me how to run routes. Zorn came out. And Sherman Smith turned me into our version of Ricardo Lockette.
What a ride. 76-2015.
So thankful for our team.


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Dec 21, 2011
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Man this is a great thread for the longtimers. I was born in Bellevue in 1970 and lived most of my childhood life in Kirkland. Still remember the black berry bushes in what is now Central Kirkland and the annual fair that would roll through and help knock them down. When I was about 10 YO's I distinctly remember taping Safeway paper bags with Hawk and Husky logos to my books. I also took on a Seattle Paper route so I could buy a Honda CR 80 dirtbike in 1980. It was a 7 day a week route, about 90 papers a week day and 150 on Sundays. I remember opening the sports page every day and reading about the Hawks. We lived a couple of blocks from Kirkland JR HY and vividly remember watching Jim Zorn, Tice, Largent and several Hawks tossing the ball around on that field mid spring one year.

My dads employer moved our family to Sacramento a couple years later. I wore my Hawks gear with no fear for a decade in niner and Raider country. I took so much crap for that, it's amazing I didn't get in to more fights. Niner fans were tame, it was the Raiders fans that gave me the most crap. I moved back to Seattle in the early 90's and watched so many bad performances it was like a curse. A northern CA curse. Ken Bearing has to go down as the worst owner in NFL history. Dude ran the team in to the ground and tried to use lack of fan base as a reason to move the team. The team actually moved all the equipment from the Kirkland practice facility to Southern CA but the NFL made them move it back and forced that POS from Nor Cal sell the team.

Paul Allen buying the team was the turn around. He has proven to be the best owner in the league. winning starts at the top. The Nordstrom's under stood this but didn't have the fortitude to stick with it. Paul Allen does and understands Seattle fans like no other could.

I never changed my elegance and don't plan to. I have two sons that are Hawk fans now and have a sense for their history.

Now, the Seattle Super Sonics need to become a reality again since my Hawks are doing what I never dreamed possible.


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Dec 21, 2011
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That was a cool video of the Kingdome construction was a POS. It wasn't good a venue for any sporting event. I was there for numerous moto cross's ( huge cloud of 2 stroke exhaust), Hawk and Mariner games. Still remember guys peeing their pants because of the lack of men's restrooms. The sinks in the rest rooms were galvanized round troughs that looked like urinals and were used as such. The Kingdome sucked for viewing sports. Still remember sitting in the upper 100 level during the 95 mariners playoff run. Couldn't see squat and the BO was nasty.


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Jan 27, 2015
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Growing up in the Seattle area I've always followed the Hawks, but I really became a fan when John L Williams knocked out that Cowboy's mouthpiece on a viscous block. What makes this run so special is the amount of times we've been kicked in the ribs as Seattle sports fans. WE DESERVE THIS!!! I'm loving every minute of following this awesome team.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Love this thread.

I can't say I'm a 38 year fan, as I don't remember rooting for them that first year. i was 4, and it was a big deal to my dad. Dad was the kind of guy that rooted for the local team. He's a Husky fan, even though he's never been to any college, much less the UW. We watched the Mariners, even though they were perennially bad.

My earliest sports memories were of watching the Hawks. I remember being able to catch a few games in the Kingdome and thinking how cool it was that I could scream my lungs out and not get in trouble.

I remember getting an autograph from Jim Zorn at the grand opening of a Waterbed Warehouse in Olympia. There were like 30 people waiting to get an autograph, lol.

I always remember that my Hawks were always good enough to let you down. We were never Cleveland Browns or Oakland Raiders (currently) bad so that you never had expectations. No, "this" year was always the year we were expected to make the playoffs, and we'd start out good and blow it at the end. Always. Then, we would be expected to be really bad, and the team would over achieve just enough to give you hope that it was going to be better this year, then they would blow it.

It gook me until the Holmgren years to finally shake that constant feeling of trepidation, and when he left, I figured it was back on the old merry go round. I was optimistic about the hiring of Carroll, thinking that it was a good hire, but had no idea who Schneider was....I was just stoked we'd gotten him from Green Bay.

I'll always treasure these years. My wife doesn't really like football, but she understands the importance of it. I'm raising my boys to be Seahawks fans. My 3 year old says that "his friend" Russell Wilson is running along beside the car, jumping over trees and killing bad guys. The tradition continues.