Any Harvin Updates?

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Pie Romania":36pk0947 said:
Marlin Man":36pk0947 said:
Harvin would be nice but with or without him- Damn Bevel has to let RW RUN the damn ball- last week he had 15-20 (Yes that many) times he faked the roll out run option and NO ONE was on him- the other team KNOWS what Bevel is calling

Bevel MUST go

Wilson not running isn't an issue with Bevell IMO, unless it's a designed run. IMO, it seems Wilson is trying to prove he's a passer first rather than a scrambler. Numerous time this year Wilson has had green grass in front of him and instead of taking what the defense is giving he, he chooses to jog parallel with the LOS looking to find a receiver get open down field. A good example of this is the play against the Saints where Cameron Jordan caught up to Wilson forcing him out of bounds at the LOS to stop the clock when we needed to burn time. Wilson not taking those free yards actually hurts us a lot. I mean, I'm not wanting him to run on every play, but if he buys time with his legs and there is green grass for him to pick up a first down, he needs to not be so indecisive, make up his mind quickly and either pass the ball or run for some yards. Defenses seem to be given him more of a shot to run lately in order to cover the receivers down field more effectively. He starts running again to keep the chains moving, I think he'll have an easier time finding receivers open down field due to the defense choosing to guard against Wilson running.

Bottom Line: If they're giving him an opportunity to gain significant yards, Wilson needs to take it. It moves the chains, it'll free up the passing game a bit more IMO and will help give our defense a break/catch their breath instead of this 3 & Out crap we've been seeing much more of lately.

Absolutely agree with this... as it pertains to last week's game vs. Saints... This week though, he may not have the same opportunities given the speed the Niners have at the LB position across the board. The chess match will be interesting though... spy? No spy? Tuck and run? Scramble and pass?

4 more days!


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Tri Cities, WA
I don't believe Lewis ever sustained a concussion to begin with, i think the saints just didn't want to risk it and kept him out of the game.

It was already stated sunday, that Harvin probably wouldn't be cleared to practice till Thursday at the earliest, and also stated if he didn't practice by thursday, the chances of him playing were greatly reduced...

I think we'll find out one way or another tomorrow...


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HunnyBadger":3eorz3h6 said:
Hawks46":3eorz3h6 said:
RCATES":3eorz3h6 said:
Potential bad news fella's. Last night John Clayton ... rd%20Facts
said that Harvin's concussion testing didn't start until yesterday (Tuesday). He said normally this initial test is done the day after the game which would usually fall on Monday. Hawks game being on Saturday these test should have been performed on Sunday by team doctors. These test not being performed until 2 complete days after game day is a bad sign in Clayton's opinion. I don't buy Carroll's conservative approach for the Hawks offensive woe's these past 5 weeks. Without Harvin this offense is in trouble. Its no wonder that all the National media is focusing on the decline of RW and this Offense.

I don't see how it's potentially bad news, or how it makes a difference at all, really.

If you test a guy right after a concussion, the chances are his symptoms will be worse. 3 days later, they'd typically be better.

jkitsune could probably shed some light on this, but I'm assuming they take a test, get a baseline (unless they already have one on a guy when healthy, which I've also read), take another test and check for improvement. So, there might be less improvement but both tests could be closer to the baseline anyways which could lead to the conclusion that it's a milder concussion to start with.

It's all baseless speculation until someone actually knows something, which neither Kirwan or Clayton do. THere's no facts at all, it's all assumption and speculation.

I"m not a doctor, but I DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night !
Logic would say it would help him pass the test. Problem is, if it delays his clearance, then he has less time to practice...then again, Seahawks might have just limited his practice anyways.

Generally, 'concussion protocols' consist of a variety of neurologic and cognitive exams, including some psychiatric screening, as concussions can affect mood and emotional responses. This includes assessing for memory, confusion, depression, or slowed htought process, in addition to testing reflexes, coordination, and various aspects of brain function (such as balance, fine motor coordination, strength, etc). Pro athletes receive frequent physicals for a variety of reasons (including pre-trade), and so generally their previous health status is known. You have to be clear of symptoms for many days prior to being cleared to play (in children, it can take weeks to be 'clear,' I'm not sure exactly what the NFL regulations are, but it sounds like you have to be symptom-free by Friday or Saturday, whenever the last test is). Symptoms do not always arise immediately after the injury, or can worsen afterwards, hence the repeated testing. As others have stated, the date of the first exam is really not that important, except that it may impact the level of practicing they might be willing to allow Percy to do.

HansGruber is a neurologist specifically, so he might have more to add. Long story short - we won't know until late this week if Percy gets to play, because a cleared 'first' exam won't completely rule out that he will be held out.


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Aug 2, 2013
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Who gives a shit if he plays or not anyway? Fact is, if he does play, he won't last the first quarter... Again.

Do we really need him to win? I'm not even sure he would contribute!


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Seattle, WA
13thMan":pm6fy2u9 said:
Who gives a shit if he plays or not anyway? Fact is, if he does play, he won't last the first quarter... Again.

Do we really need him to win? I'm not even sure he would contribute!

This is a ridiculously ignorant post. :roll: :34853_doh:

The times he was in against the Saints he made a huge difference.


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Aug 2, 2013
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Admittedly, I was exaggerating as far as his contribution... but I really doubt he would make it out of the first quarter... Maybe he should consider his long-term health/usefulness as this point....


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Aug 15, 2011
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jkitsune":3r050dqm said:
HunnyBadger":3r050dqm said:
Hawks46":3r050dqm said:
RCATES":3r050dqm said:
Potential bad news fella's. Last night John Clayton ... rd%20Facts
said that Harvin's concussion testing didn't start until yesterday (Tuesday). He said normally this initial test is done the day after the game which would usually fall on Monday. Hawks game being on Saturday these test should have been performed on Sunday by team doctors. These test not being performed until 2 complete days after game day is a bad sign in Clayton's opinion. I don't buy Carroll's conservative approach for the Hawks offensive woe's these past 5 weeks. Without Harvin this offense is in trouble. Its no wonder that all the National media is focusing on the decline of RW and this Offense.

I don't see how it's potentially bad news, or how it makes a difference at all, really.

If you test a guy right after a concussion, the chances are his symptoms will be worse. 3 days later, they'd typically be better.

jkitsune could probably shed some light on this, but I'm assuming they take a test, get a baseline (unless they already have one on a guy when healthy, which I've also read), take another test and check for improvement. So, there might be less improvement but both tests could be closer to the baseline anyways which could lead to the conclusion that it's a milder concussion to start with.

It's all baseless speculation until someone actually knows something, which neither Kirwan or Clayton do. THere's no facts at all, it's all assumption and speculation.

I"m not a doctor, but I DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night !
Logic would say it would help him pass the test. Problem is, if it delays his clearance, then he has less time to practice...then again, Seahawks might have just limited his practice anyways.

Generally, 'concussion protocols' consist of a variety of neurologic and cognitive exams, including some psychiatric screening, as concussions can affect mood and emotional responses. This includes assessing for memory, confusion, depression, or slowed htought process, in addition to testing reflexes, coordination, and various aspects of brain function (such as balance, fine motor coordination, strength, etc). Pro athletes receive frequent physicals for a variety of reasons (including pre-trade), and so generally their previous health status is known. You have to be clear of symptoms for many days prior to being cleared to play (in children, it can take weeks to be 'clear,' I'm not sure exactly what the NFL regulations are, but it sounds like you have to be symptom-free by Friday or Saturday, whenever the last test is). Symptoms do not always arise immediately after the injury, or can worsen afterwards, hence the repeated testing. As others have stated, the date of the first exam is really not that important, except that it may impact the level of practicing they might be willing to allow Percy to do.

HansGruber is a neurologist specifically, so he might have more to add. Long story short - we won't know until late this week if Percy gets to play, because a cleared 'first' exam won't completely rule out that he will be held out.

One post above yours.


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Aug 9, 2013
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This concussion is serious. The Patriots Thompkins has one and he is already practicing (on a limited basis), Percy is seeing a doctor which means the trainers are concerned. I don't like the sound of this.


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Feb 18, 2012
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seahawk12thman":3uzba3d2 said:
This concussion is serious. The Patriots Thompkins has one and he is already practicing (on a limited basis), Percy is seeing a doctor which means the trainers are concerned. I don't like the sound of this.

I believe it is serious as well...because I think he had two. However, no one really knows. To be honest, Concussions are one of those things that could really screw up your career, or life. I don't want them rushing him to play unless he is truly cleared...not like he was after the Bush hit.


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Jul 27, 2012
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13thMan":9iu8jh09 said:
Admittedly, I was exaggerating as far as his contribution... but I really doubt he would make it out of the first quarter... Maybe he should consider his long-term health/usefulness as this point....

Hey, how about this? Everyone knows you aren't a Seahawks fan. It is obvious you are a Niner fan. We are at the NFC Championship game. Quit trolling, admit you are a Niners fan. You had your fun this season. I am not sure what you gain out of it, but quit acting like a Hawks fan when it is obvious you aren't.


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Sep 13, 2013
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Basis4day":3merssdj said:
I can't stop people from speculating, but i highly suggest people learn about the protocol itself rather than simply base their conclusions on what another player did. No two concussions are the same: ... oncussions

This is the key:

"The thing that I think is important here is you don't manage concussions by a calendar," Dr. Herring said. "Some guys may come back in a week. Some guys may come back in six weeks. These steps don't have an expiration date on them. The player's history of injury and other issues come into play."

Once a team doctor signs off on a player's return, the player is evaluated in person by an unaffiliated concussion expert physician approved by both the NFL and NFL Players Association. This unaffiliated expert also must sign off on the player's health before he is allowed to return to play."


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Polaris":fpgu6b0w said:
Hawkfish":fpgu6b0w said:
Beer Hawk":fpgu6b0w said:
Not practicing with the team wednesday, will see the doctors this afternoon (per Pete's presser). Lame...

Team or independent doc to get cleared?

I believe (as in I could be wrong) that the Team doc gives the initial clearance (to practice) and an Indy Doc gives the final clearance.

That's what they said on ESPN radio earlier. The team doctor will test you to be able to practice and run/physical activity and that's normally on a Wed. The independent doctor will test later in the week to clear a player for the game.


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Aug 9, 2013
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Hawks46":32wf3qui said:
Polaris":32wf3qui said:
Hawkfish":32wf3qui said:
Beer Hawk":32wf3qui said:
Not practicing with the team wednesday, will see the doctors this afternoon (per Pete's presser). Lame...

Team or independent doc to get cleared?

I believe (as in I could be wrong) that the Team doc gives the initial clearance (to practice) and an Indy Doc gives the final clearance.

That's what they said on ESPN radio earlier. The team doctor will test you to be able to practice and run/physical activity and that's normally on a Wed. The independent doctor will test later in the week to clear a player for the game.

Since he is seeing a doctor is it safe to say the team trainers didn't pass him?


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Aug 2, 2013
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Hawks46":1g8vxz32 said:
Polaris":1g8vxz32 said:
Hawkfish":1g8vxz32 said:
Beer Hawk":1g8vxz32 said:
Not practicing with the team wednesday, will see the doctors this afternoon (per Pete's presser). Lame...

Team or independent doc to get cleared?

I believe (as in I could be wrong) that the Team doc gives the initial clearance (to practice) and an Indy Doc gives the final clearance.

That's what they said on ESPN radio earlier. The team doctor will test you to be able to practice and run/physical activity and that's normally on a Wed. The independent doctor will test later in the week to clear a player for the game.

So this could possibly come down to a game time decision?


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Oct 8, 2013
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13thMan":2m2m31o0 said:
So this could possibly come down to a game time decision?

Like I said a few days ago, concussions are tricky, so yes it could. That said I expect (my personal hunch) that Seattle is simply being extra cautious and he will be cleared for practice when he meets the docs later today.

I also think he'll see the independant Doc sometime on Friday. I also expect (again my personal hunch) that he'll be cleared to play at that time....but that second evaluation could well happen any time before game-day.


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Bay Area, CA
jkitsune":1c6vy5yd said:
I am a doctor. They are unrelated.

Thank you! Like I said, it was just a passing comment by me that maybe there was a link. I never claimed to know what the heck I was talking about. I'm glad there is no connection.


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
SeaTown81":1rkb20s6 said:
13thMan":1rkb20s6 said:
Who gives a shit if he plays or not anyway? Fact is, if he does play, he won't last the first quarter... Again.

Do we really need him to win? I'm not even sure he would contribute!

This is a ridiculously ignorant post. :roll: :34853_doh:

The times he was in against the Saints he made a huge difference.

Lol, he contributes just by walking on the field... just like sherman contributes by being out there, regardless if the play comes to him or not. His mere pressence potentially changes what the opposition originally wanted to do.


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Sep 23, 2011
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I don't think he plays. Especially if early indications are true. Sucks.


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HawkFan72":211pte0d said:
jkitsune":211pte0d said:
I am a doctor. They are unrelated.

Thank you! Like I said, it was just a passing comment by me that maybe there was a link. I never claimed to know what the heck I was talking about. I'm glad there is no connection.

No worries! Sorry if it sounded curt.
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