How I've Kept My Sanity Lately


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
I don't go on Twitter. I rarely go into my Facebook account (other than to post random Seahawks stuff these days). I rarely read national Seahawks-related articles unless I know the author is going to be fair and unbiased, or at least not a tool piece (hate towards the Seahawks thinly veiled as professional journalism), and I absolutely NEVER read the fan comments below ANY article any more. Nothing but trolls and tools post the majority of those comments.

I pretty much avoid any and all ESPN/NFL Network "analysis" segments unless I know it's the fair, unbiased guys that actually know what in the Hell they are talking about.

Doing this, and more, has really kept me calm. When the Richard Sherman interview happened and I began hearing that the twatterverse and social media was going ape shit, I didn't click on one single link. Not one. Why? Because I don't care what a bunch of disgusting trolls, racists and scumbags have to say about my team. I know the heart of our players as you all do. I don't need some low IQ jackass to tell me what they think when A) they don't follow the context, the story of our players and our team like we do and B) their sole purpose is to spew hatred and venom without having any idea or care of the context or back story of where these player comments come from in the first place.

I don't care which media bobble head is saying the Seahawks don't stand a chance. How Russell Wilson is nothing more than a game manager, or how our receivers are mere appetizers or pedestrian, etc, etc, etc.....

I don't need any negativity from outside sources whether they get paid six figures to spout their hate on national TV, or live in a trailer park lucky enough to have an Internet connection to type their nonsense. I don't need it, I don't want it, and I won't listen to it or read it.

I've waited for a Super Bowl Championship since I was 8 years old when this team was born. I've seen it all with this team. From Zorn to Largent, to Behring sending the moving trailers to LA, to Moon to Galloway, to "We Want The Ball and We're Gonna Score!" to the birth and nurturing and sale of Seahawks.NET, and to the rise of our finest era, the Russell Wilson/LOB Era.

NOTHING is going to take this moment from me. So for these next 13 days I just want to savor this deliciously rare moment with my fellow 12's and...


Is that too much to ask?


Jan 3, 2013
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If it makes you feel any better I think the advanced stat sites give the Seahawks a great chance. :)

I actually enjoy the noise. Makes a win that much sweeter.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Yeah I get how some feed off of the negativity. Hell, look no further than most of our team. It's just not how I'm wired. Negativity is like a palpable force I feel. An energy that saps my mood and lowers my immune system. No thanks. I'm good with rewatching Kaepernick choke their SB hopes and dreams away on our field. :D


Jan 3, 2013
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The game manager argument drives me nuts. No game manager in history throws for 380, runs for 80, throws for 3 td's and leads a comeback like he did in the Atlanta playoff game. Ridiculous statement if anyone calls him that.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
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How you keep your sanity....drugs ? It IS Washington.

Seriously mirror what I do, but I do this all the time.

Twitter is honestly for narcissists. I'm really not interesting enough for everyone to want to know what I freaking ate for lunch or when I took my last dump. I don't pretend that I think any cares about it, and I honestly don't care if they do or don't.

Facebook is my wife's job. Seriously, I know it's easier to keep track of friends and such with it, and I see how it works well for that. But seriously, my wife surfs Facebook and then it's "OMG, you have to hear this" or "holy s**t check this out!" and I'm like *sigh* "here we go".

Social media is 90% drama.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Yup. Instagrams, Selfies, etc, etc...The beginning of the end of modern day civilization. Barf.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, Washington
Haven't watched ESPN nor NFLN regularly for years. Rich Eisen's cheerleading of Joey Porter put the national perspective out of mind for me. The Pete/Wilson/Flynn/Mora crap sealed my blocking out KJR and our local papers have either disappeared or are behind pay walls.

Twitter is getting tough. I tire of some of our 12's and every tweet being some stupid Meme. Running out of avenues to get team info without having to wade through stupidity. 710 KIRO is getting a little shaky as well.

It is tough to avoid all of the negativity, because our own folks constantly bring it into the house. I am going to enjoy these next 2 weeks as best I can, but I know to not expect thought provoking stuff. People are too invested into their slant on this to think I can get something of note from the media. I am sure there will be some well done background stories. Human interest stories that I will want to read or hear. The rest is just going to be pecker measuring exercises.


Aug 27, 2009
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Omaha, NE
I took a different approach, I have done nothing but watched for the last two days nothing but ESPN and the NFL network, man I love listening to everyone talking about the Hawks and what they did, what they didn't do, what they need to do and how they are going to win or lose. HAWK TALK 24/7 FOR TWO WEEKS. I absolutely love it.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Amen James. It's a terrific exercise to locate the diamonds out there these next several days. Even .NET is going to by default be a provider of a lot of the noise, i.e., "Hey did you hear what THIS guy just said about us??!!" types of posts, and so on. I'm not looking to live in a world of nothing but King Crab and Wine (okay maybe that's not the best analogy) but I just don't get working myself into a lather over some idiot's thoughts about our team.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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There was a guy named Aeneas Williams who was one of the best corners of his day. Of course most people don't remember him. He was great but he never demanded the camera. And the public never rewards quiet greatness unless you score TDs, so you either have to demand the camera with antics or accept that reality.

But EVERYBODY remembers Neon. Remember he was hated initially too, then eventually he became more of a character and people started to grudgingly accept him and now he is on the NFL network giving bad analysis and making horrible rhymes. They even all forgot that he couldn't tackle for crap and that he would shy away from contact to the point he allowed scores by physical players.

Sherman likely knows this. And he is getting his name and brand (and the Seahawk name/brand) out there by doing what he is doing. Making himself more visible, more respected and more valuable (increasing his own income when he is a FA). I think, given his performance this year, he earned that.

Sherman is being villified but in doing so he is slowly putting a spotlight on the defense. Do you honestly think all the people that "weren't Bronco fans" were going to root for Seattle? No. This was going to be about the feel good story of Payton getting another ring somewhere else. We would have just been the San Diego Chargers in that SuperBowl nobody noticed who the 49ers were playing because everyone was focused on Young getting a ring.

At least now, we are the black hats vs the white and there is a real story line about how we might just be mean and bad enough to keep Payton from his prize. Without Sherman we would have had to kidnap reporters and FORCE them to write about us (Remember the Steelers Superbowl where nobody mentioned us until our rapey TE decide to snap at someone about it?)

The story would have been: Manning, Manning, Manning, Can Manning Play in Cold Weather, Manning, Manning

Now at least it is about Sherman and slowly the lights are going to shift as the reporters start to dig and notice this is a pretty damned good defense.

But hated? We were either going to be hated or ignored either way.

So we might as well embrace the hate.


Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Sultan, WA
Oh I embrace the hate, I just don't want to read about it relentlessly. I do agree though on your take.
Nov 21, 2013
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I am lovin' all the Seahawk stuff...everywhere...all the time, all it means is that we are where we wanted to be, on our way to the big dance.
To take a break and for a good chuckle I head over to the saints forum. They are still consumed with the Hawks and the 12th man, 24/7. One would think by now they would realize they are nothing more than a door mat to us, something we wipe our feet on while passing through on the way to the SB. I have never hated a fan base before this year, but those mud puddle living, mosquito swattin' inbreds have got to the most uneducated, or just plain dumb, fan base anywhere, in any sport. I wonder does anyone in NO go to school past grade 4? They do have schools there?
They are the worst cheaters in the history of the NFL and that slimy, wife cheatin', ferret faced Payton and his "staff" got what they deserved when they got set home for a big time out by the Commish, except they should have told him to never come back, the guy is a total disgrace to coaches everywhere.

And to think they are going to have to franchise "I'm jimmy" the playoff ghost, and will be on the hook for a ancient QB , making 25 million per real soon....hilarious! Start digging out your brown bags saint fan, it looks like you'll be needing them soon.

Now that I have that rant over with....go Hawks!:)


New member
Jan 8, 2014
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I admit, I'm losing my inner peace a bit watching the Sherman backlash. I love how a guy who made straight A's in high school, graduated from Stanford, and is going back to work on his Master's is branded a "thug." I had a friend of a Facebook friend ranting on what an IDIOT (all caps to show he's serious) Sherman is. When I made my points, he insisted still, that Sherm was an IDIOT. I finally said, "Well, maybe if he cut off his dreds and got a skin bleach like Michael Jackson you'd like him better." Of course, the guy hemmed about how he had no problem with "those people" but Sherm was still an IDIOT. I may moratorium my Facebook until February 3.

Sports Hernia

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Aros":1m4l5f4v said:
I don't go on Twitter. I rarely go into my Facebook account (other than to post random Seahawks stuff these days). I rarely read national Seahawks-related articles unless I know the author is going to be fair and unbiased, or at least not a tool piece (hate towards the Seahawks thinly veiled as professional journalism), and I absolutely NEVER read the fan comments below ANY article any more. Nothing but trolls and tools post the majority of those comments.

I pretty much avoid any and all ESPN/NFL Network "analysis" segments unless I know it's the fair, unbiased guys that actually know what in the Hell they are talking about.

Doing this, and more, has really kept me calm. When the Richard Sherman interview happened and I began hearing that the twatterverse and social media was going ape shit, I didn't click on one single link. Not one. Why? Because I don't care what a bunch of disgusting trolls, racists and scumbags have to say about my team. I know the heart of our players as you all do. I don't need some low IQ jackass to tell me what they think when A) they don't follow the context, the story of our players and our team like we do and B) their sole purpose is to spew hatred and venom without having any idea or care of the context or back story of where these player comments come from in the first place.

I don't care which media bobble head is saying the Seahawks don't stand a chance. How Russell Wilson is nothing more than a game manager, or how our receivers are mere appetizers or pedestrian, etc, etc, etc.....

I don't need any negativity from outside sources whether they get paid six figures to spout their hate on national TV, or live in a trailer park lucky enough to have an Internet connection to type their nonsense. I don't need it, I don't want it, and I won't listen to it or read it.

I've waited for a Super Bowl Championship since I was 8 years old when this team was born. I've seen it all with this team. From Zorn to Largent, to Behring sending the moving trailers to LA, to Moon to Galloway, to "We Want The Ball and We're Gonna Score!" to the birth and nurturing and sale of Seahawks.NET, and to the rise of our finest era, the Russell Wilson/LOB Era.

NOTHING is going to take this moment from me. So for these next 13 days I just want to savor this deliciously rare moment with my fellow 12's and...


Is that too much to ask?
Go play some "live" poker around here sometime. With all of the crappy poker players in the northwest (see donkeys) after they "donk out" and hit their 2 outer on the river after being max raised the whole time, you'll soon forget the Manninglove-Hawkshate festival going on by the national media tards. 8)

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