Philly fans....


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Aug 30, 2014
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Deebo Samuel:
"So the offense wasn't doing anything, nothing," Samuel continued. "Our defense was doing what they were supposed to and I feel like if Brock was in at quarterback and how our offense moves, I don't think it would have been close if that makes sense. It's not sour grapes at all, it's just what I see every day. I'm not salty at all, I just speak facts."

Sorry, Deebo, that's 100% sour grapes, not facts. The Eagles did score on their first possession after all, before Purdy's injury and momentum and all of that.

Robbie Gould:
"So you get in a game where they’re down…If Kansas City gets up on them early, it might take them a little bit out of their game with the run plan, which I assume they’re trying to get going first to get Jalen Hurts going. But if you make Jalen Hurts play quarterback, you’re probably going to have a pretty solid day on defense.”

What a bunch of crap and disrespect to a QB who led his team to a 14-3 regular season record, had a 22-6 TD/int ratio, and a 101.6 QB rating. Sure, the first part of that is a standard game plan for any team. But did he need to take the shot at Hurts?

I have some sympathy for the niners and obviously what happens on offense affects the defense. The Eagles probably would not have scored 31 if the 49ers had been able to move the ball. But "not even close?" Please.


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2022
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I'm sure you saw the video of that clown harassing Joey Bosa outside of the stadium. That guy is the epitome of a Philly fan. The voice, the language, everything. Just so over the top d-bag-ish. Granted, Joey Bosa did himself no favors by using a homophonic slur and bragging about how much $ he has, but still....

I actually like the way Bosa handled himself in response to a guy who was being a real big jerk. He gave as good as he got, and then he said his peace and went into the stadium with his wife before it escalated any further. The best thing probably would have been to just ignore him altogether and go straight into the stadium, but in reality I actually don't have a major problem with anything he said. Now if it was me, and I'm worth millions of dollars, I don't worry about an insignificant flea like that loudmouth. I'm worth millions of dollars and don't want to do or say anything that could risk a lawsuit or worse fighting and getting arrested. He and his wife are on easy street for the rest of their lives if they play their cards right, with all of that money. But as far as the content of what he said, it didn't bother me.


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Sep 18, 2015
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I'm losing respect for 49ers players. I mean, I'm a Seahawks fan so that's pretty low to begin with. ;)

But they've been chattering for the past week about the Eagles and how they were robbed. Yes, they were. And the fans who pay their salaries were robbed too. But not by design, it was just plain dumb luck. Get over it. You (like all the other teams that aren't the Chiefs and the Eagles) are irrelevant for until Feb 13. But every day it seems like another 49ers player is speaking up. Sheesh.

The game sucked because Shan failed to plan for a third quarterback despite using backup qbs more than anyone in the league. Shan brought in Josh Johnson to be QB2, then fired Eason off ps, so he didn’t even have the option to elevate him or anyone else.


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Dec 18, 2012
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ahhhhh. That was fun. :)

Never thought I'd root for the Chiefs but that game was really fun.

RE Deebo and Aiyuk: Call it sour grapes or whatever, but they were dead right about the Philly D. They saw what KC saw on tape and are salty because they didn't get to take advantage of it.

Would I rather they said nothing? Yes. Do I blame them when they were asked all week over and over and over again? Nope.


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Dec 24, 2012
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Seattle Area
Just gotta say...

...I argue with alot of you on this board as I would of course expect being on the board of a division rival. Its par for the course.

I just have to say after this last week and today, Philly has the worst fans in pro sports.

Not even close.

I mean some of the conversations I've had today were with some of the most uneducated sports fans I've ever seen.

Look, Niners lost. It sucked. As Seahawks fans I'm sure you guys enjoyed every second. That all good.

The simple concept that what we saw yesterday wasn't the game it should have been is completely lost on them. The number of times I've read "we won a SB with a backup!!" as if that situation was remotely similar is astounding. "Does Purdy play defense? 31 points!!" As if the 49ers didn't turn the ball over in Eagle territory or an inept offense handing the ball back to the other team over and over and over doesn't impact the score of a game. "Even if Purdy had played, he wouldn't have scored more than 31!!" as if offense and defense are played in a vacuum and have no impact on each other.

Maybe Niners lose regardless, but its pretty clear to me what we saw yesterday was a team that didn't have a QB who could throw a forward pass and NOBODY wins a game in that situation.

I ain't looking for sympathy here (I'd get none), just sayin....WOW is the Philly fanbase bad.

I still LOVE Philly fans.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Here and there
Of course.

My dad used to take me to Giants games there. I was there with my Dad the day Willie McCovey played his last game. First game I took my then girlfriend now wife to was the season opener vs the Jets when Garrison Hearst went 96 yards in overtime to win. I had to warn her that they don't ALL end like that. LOL.

More recently and toward the end of Candlesticks run I was at the Niner-Saints playoff game that was so crazy at the end, The Packer game when Kap went off, and I was luckly enough to be at the last game there ever where Bowman had "The Pick at the 'Stick" to seal a Playoff spot. Funny story on that later...

I loved that old place, but I always knew as a building it was a dump.

...a building built for cheaply for baseball on the coldest and windiest place in the Bay Area, semi-enclosed later to block the wind and then eventually made into full time football stadium after the Giants moved. Crowded, narrow hallways, no sightlines to the field when you went for food, and the place always smelled like urine. The mens bathrooms were troughs rather than urinals in many spots. LOL. Cracks in concrete everywhere.

There are some here who long for old Candlestick and hate Levis. Those people are nuts. Levis is 100x better than Candlestick. It just doesn't have the history and the mystique. Those things tho aren't intrinsic to the structure. Its about history and legend. If they ever get another SB winner in that building, it'll have its own history.

I can only imagine there were people who hated Candlestick and loved Kezar. It's just natural. There are some Dallas fans who hate Jerryworld. It is what it is.

As for the funny story I mentioned before...

After the game was over, fans were literally ripping seats out of the concrete to take them with them. I spoke with a security guard. As I said, most men's rooms were troughs not urinals, but one bathroom with urinals had been raided. Someone stole a urinal. I mean...I dunno what even to do with that information. Who would want it enough to put in that kind of effort? How would they even get out of the building?

People are weird.
Levi's couldn't have built in a worse spot and next to an amusement park. The neighborhood hates it, traffic jams are a nightmare and sitting at the stadium on a hot summer day is like being in hell. I live close to the stadium and can't see why in the hell did they not find a better location. It was just oddly placed overall.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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Deebo Samuel:
"So the offense wasn't doing anything, nothing," Samuel continued. "Our defense was doing what they were supposed to and I feel like if Brock was in at quarterback and how our offense moves, I don't think it would have been close if that makes sense. It's not sour grapes at all, it's just what I see every day. I'm not salty at all, I just speak facts."

Sorry, Deebo, that's 100% sour grapes, not facts. The Eagles did score on their first possession after all, before Purdy's injury and momentum and all of that.

Robbie Gould:
"So you get in a game where they’re down…If Kansas City gets up on them early, it might take them a little bit out of their game with the run plan, which I assume they’re trying to get going first to get Jalen Hurts going. But if you make Jalen Hurts play quarterback, you’re probably going to have a pretty solid day on defense.”

What a bunch of crap and disrespect to a QB who led his team to a 14-3 regular season record, had a 22-6 TD/int ratio, and a 101.6 QB rating. Sure, the first part of that is a standard game plan for any team. But did he need to take the shot at Hurts?

I have some sympathy for the niners and obviously what happens on offense affects the defense. The Eagles probably would not have scored 31 if the 49ers had been able to move the ball. But "not even close?" Please.

Eagles scored on 1st possession with 4th down catch that wasn't.

Robbie was only talking about keeping Hurts in the pocket, which was working in that game. His point wasn't that Hurts sucks. It was that he's better at throwing on the run and escaping the pocket than having to play QB FROM the pocket.

If you take issue with that...I dunno what to tell you.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2015
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Levi's couldn't have built in a worse spot and next to an amusement park. The neighborhood hates it, traffic jams are a nightmare and sitting at the stadium on a hot summer day is like being in hell. I live close to the stadium and can't see why in the hell did they not find a better location. It was just oddly placed overall.

You know why. Sf didn’t offer them money for a new stadium whereas Santa Clara did.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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Levi's couldn't have built in a worse spot and next to an amusement park. The neighborhood hates it, traffic jams are a nightmare and sitting at the stadium on a hot summer day is like being in hell. I live close to the stadium and can't see why in the hell did they not find a better location. It was just oddly placed overall.
Alot to unpack there.

1) Neighborhood doesn't hate it. A small but VERY vocal minority of residents hate it. YOU hate it because you hate the Niners.
2) Traffic Jams are a million times better than Candlestick and have improved dramatically over the years. Also, when you are in traffic, you aren't in Hunters Point anymore, the worst neighborhood in SF.
3) It won't be next to an Amusement Park much longer. Great America is going to be torn down in the next 5-10 years.
4) Stadium Heat....some merit to that. Its no worse though than any other open air stadium.
5) It was bult there because there aren't alot of large unused spaced in the Bay Area, its in the middle of Silicon Valley which brings in a ton of Tech $$$, and its next door to their headquarters.
6) The experience of being there is going to change once Related Santa Clara goes in. Like a 9 Billion $$$ project (Mall/Hotels/Apartments over the stores/company HQs).

I live in the area too and work less than a mile away.
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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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You know why. Sf didn’t offer them money for a new stadium whereas Santa Clara did.

That's false.

Santa Clara paid for very small % of the build and it was mostly privately funded.

Its not in SF because the option were as follows...

1) Relocate the team to another spot for a few years while they tore down Candlestick.
2) Build stadium right next to current stadium and put fans in construction site for several years. Would also require largest Parking Garage ever.
3) Build on the Hunters Point Naval shipyard which had zero freeway access, would need HUGE upgraded to infrastructure and the building of a bridge.

I was here for ALL of the stadium drama. Nowhere NEAR as simple as you make it sound.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2015
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Marv, that 9b instavillage is gonna be on hold given what is going on in the valley.