Earl Thomas expected to report week 1


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Puyallup, WA USA
Blitzer88":bpdbyf3n said:
Honestly, I love Earl and he has done great things for us and has been a warrior on the field. However, if Dallas did up the pick to a 2nd, I would have taken it because at this point it seems like we will get nothing for him if/when he walks after this season.

What team would take him after he has refused to play the last year of his contract? He can't be trusted to live up to his word.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
They will keep Earl status up in the air till the last moment, may be able to get an exception because of the late reporting, they know what they have going in to Denver, no use getting Earl Hurt before he is football ready, especially a player like Earl who goes 110 on the field and telling him to take it easy is like telling a teenager not to drive over the speed limit in a Muscle Car.

Sports Hernia

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The pit
ivotuk":sgu88r75 said:
253hawk":sgu88r75 said:
vin.couve12":sgu88r75 said:
The disrespect won't be forgotten?


"At this moment, he's not battling with us, so I can't really tell you what [his absence means]. It would be great if he comes back, but we're gonna keep on truckin' ... You never know what's going on with someone in that situation. He's in a whole other place right now. He's handling his situation, [rather than] helping us. I try not to deal with that energy." --Earl Thomas on Kam Chancellors holdout.

Good point. I copied and pasted my post from the Theory thread:

Remember when Kam Chancellor held out? Earl was saying "Kam! Come back!"

He started talking about how important Kam was to the defense because he lined up the DBs. Earl said "I don't know what to do! I depended on Kam to tell me the defense, where to line up and what to look for."

"Kam studied film and recognized plays and formations."

Maybe he's worried his play will suffer without Kam. I've been trying to figure out why teams aren't jumping at a trade, and maybe they see that Earl relied on Kam and are uncertain about his play without Chancellor as the Quarterback of the defensive backfield?

It will be interesting to see how Earl does if/when he comes back. But I'm afraid he'll get injured. Happens a lot to players that hold out.

And a caller on 710 had a great point about that "2nd rounder" rumor. "Maybe Dallas leaked that to cover themselves so that next year Earl would sign with them and not be mad for them only offering a 3rd."

I’m almost certain your last sentence was spot on. A lot of the “information” on this situation was leaked by the *allas end.

.....and their fanbase ate it up and now are BEYOND pissed! 8)


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
But Earl feels he is worth a 1st and they gave his number to someone else that was a former Seahawk, he feels disrespected already. Bet he signs with the Redskins now :p

Pete was pretty adament about wanting Earl here for his career, not sure if that was a political statement to pacify Earl or a curse. There were a couple questions asked that Pete answered in that way.


Oct 22, 2009
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This is essentially the same rent-a-player situation we faced with Sheldon Richardson. In both scenarios we lose a second round pick for a guy unlikely to resign next year. I would rather have the pick and move on from a "disrespected" malcontent.


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DJrmb":15q40ra7 said:

I may be in the minority, but :irishdrinkers: :3-1: :0190l:


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Nov 16, 2015
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chris98251":mvcblequ said:
But Earl feels he is worth a 1st and they gave his number to someone else that was a former Seahawk, he feels disrespected already. Bet he signs with the Redskins now :p

Pete was pretty adament about wanting Earl here for his career, not sure if that was a political statement to pacify Earl or a curse. There were a couple questions asked that Pete answered in that way.

Pete spoke out of the side of his mouth in a similar way about Harvin who'm he released a short time later. Coach speak.

Here is one scenario that could now keep him here though IMO. POSSIBLY Earl has come off his high horse on top 5 contract demands and they will now discuss something more reasonable. That is the only change of heart scenario that I can see at this point.


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Seymour":dscmsqlw said:
chris98251":dscmsqlw said:
But Earl feels he is worth a 1st and they gave his number to someone else that was a former Seahawk, he feels disrespected already. Bet he signs with the Redskins now :p

Pete was pretty adament about wanting Earl here for his career, not sure if that was a political statement to pacify Earl or a curse. There were a couple questions asked that Pete answered in that way.

Pete spoke out of the side of his mouth in a similar way about Harvin who'm he released a short time later. Coach speak.

Here is one scenario that could now keep him here though IMO. POSSIBLY Earl has come off his high horse on top 5 contract demands and they will now discuss something more reasonable. That is the only change of heart scenario that I can see at this point.

Same amount, just with elite escalators for game winning karate chops. Seems fair.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
No minority, HELL YES! He's back on the field where he belongs. Truly what matters for this team right now.


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Sep 17, 2013
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I love Earl Thomas, but he made a mistake, or rather a miscalculation. He did it from a perspective he believes in deeply. He wants to see changes in the way contracts are done in the NFL. IMHO he should have come to camp. I think he would have had a better chance at getting the contract he wanted. Water under the bridge.

That said I play him Sunday. It's just a business decision. You play the best players. Not as the starter, but significant time. By the second or third week, if it's working he gets more time and the starting job. I believe Earl is highly motivated to prove the Seahawks and everyone else, they were wrong. He is going to play his heart out.

Go Hawks!


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Feb 5, 2014
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Anybody want to give me their Earl Thomas jersey that hasn't burned it yet. Man everything is working out great, now lets beat those donkeys!


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Nov 16, 2015
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Coug_Hawk08":1mfggixt said:
Seymour":1mfggixt said:
chris98251":1mfggixt said:
But Earl feels he is worth a 1st and they gave his number to someone else that was a former Seahawk, he feels disrespected already. Bet he signs with the Redskins now :p

Pete was pretty adament about wanting Earl here for his career, not sure if that was a political statement to pacify Earl or a curse. There were a couple questions asked that Pete answered in that way.

Pete spoke out of the side of his mouth in a similar way about Harvin who'm he released a short time later. Coach speak.

Here is one scenario that could now keep him here though IMO. POSSIBLY Earl has come off his high horse on top 5 contract demands and they will now discuss something more reasonable. That is the only change of heart scenario that I can see at this point.

Same amount, just with elite escalators for game winning karate chops. Seems fair.

Agree, pay to ball out. Escalators for cracked ribs would be another good motivator. :2thumbs:

Worked for NO. :twisted:


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Nov 20, 2012
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Thunderhawk":2vfujqku said:
This is essentially the same rent-a-player situation we faced with Sheldon Richardson. In both scenarios we lose a second round pick for a guy unlikely to resign next year. I would rather have the pick and move on from a "disrespected" malcontent.

A key difference to the situations is ET has been a Hawk his whole career. That does matter to the decision process. Even if its never admitted, even as small as it is, its still a factor.

I want ET to get an extension. I want him to retire a Hawk and get into the HOF as a Hawk, and maybe (if the next 2-3 years are electric), get his number retired.

But I'm also a realist. He probably does want out. The team probably isn't going to offer high. This is probably the last season with him. All of that being said, we tend to piece together pretty tight narratives over 3-4 different quotes and articles and call it the end all. I know how much more complicated my life and decisions are, especially over time, that I can never assume what someone else is truly thinking.


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DJrmb":233iavr5 said:
Earl Thomas via Instagram:

earlI worked my whole life for this..... I’ve never let me teammates, city or fans down as long as I’ve lived and don’t plan on starting this weekend. With that being said, the disrespect has been well noted and will not be forgotten. Father Time may have an undefeated record but best believe I plan on taking him into triple overtime when it comes to my career.

Looks like he's confirming he's coming in (but won't play obviously with missing so much practice).

I’ll always support these players in there holdouts .. the teams show no loyalty. He has earned every he’s asked for


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
Sgt. Largent":j3w4d5mh said:
Eh, I'm pretty sure he's talking about the Hawk's unwillingness to give him the extension he wants.

But sorry Earl, you created this mess by telling the Cowboys to come get you AND tipping your hand at the Pro Bowl that you were going to hold out.

Two handicaps to your leverage to bring in as many teams as possible to pursue you in a trade.

You want the monster extension, then go back in a time machine nine months and say "I love Seattle, I hope I can play here forever, but if not I'd love to play for anyone that thinks I'm still the greatest safety in the league."

But no, his ego and immaturity got the better of him, and now he's stuck under the Hawks thumb until THEY decide what to do with him.

Spot. On.


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Auckland, New Zealand
hawksincebirth":2tuj0sjp said:
I’ll always support these players in there holdouts .. the teams show no loyalty. He has earned every he’s asked for
I support the players when the CBA is being negotiated. They deserve the money more than the team owners.

But when it comes to players holding out, I side with the team. The player made an agreement to take x% of the pie, and how wants a bigger slice, but the pie has already been shared with the assumption that the player was only taking x%. They can't go back and take agreed amounts of pie from other players just because someone wants a bigger slice.

Teams - and players - terminate contracts all the time. Sherman got cut. Kam retired unoffcially so he could collect his guaranteed money. It's the same thing. Neither teams nor players are in the business of loyalty. Kam could officially retire and give the team some cap relief, but he's not going to and - this is the important part - the Seahawks have to honour their contract with him.

People talk about teams breaching contracts, but they don't. They pay every cent agreed in the contract to the player and the player signs the contract knowing there are options for the team to terminate. Both parties agree to the terms when they sign the paper. But if the team agrees to guaranteed money, then the team pays that money, period.


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hawksincebirth":27ug9ghr said:
DJrmb":27ug9ghr said:
Earl Thomas via Instagram:

earlI worked my whole life for this..... I’ve never let me teammates, city or fans down as long as I’ve lived and don’t plan on starting this weekend. With that being said, the disrespect has been well noted and will not be forgotten. Father Time may have an undefeated record but best believe I plan on taking him into triple overtime when it comes to my career.

Looks like he's confirming he's coming in (but won't play obviously with missing so much practice).

I’ll always support these players in there holdouts .. the teams show no loyalty. He has earned every he’s asked for
To be fair, the ability to cut players is something that is collectively bargained... If it was top of the players priorities they had (and will have again soon) every opportunity to change that in the CBA.

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