Anybody else feeling uneasy about this game?


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Schofield and Scruggs will come through :thirishdrinkers:

Tech Worlds

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Scottemojo":21unv6eg said:
NINEster":21unv6eg said:
Scottemojo":21unv6eg said:
thebigcat":21unv6eg said:
we should be playing loose as this game is house money, we have no title to defend, no record to defend and no pressure of being at home.... The Panthers team you will be facing is going to be about as loose as a football team you will see, we have nothing to lose, that my friends is a dangerous team to go against.
You have none of those things because your team is not very good. And house money? a couple of bucks maybe.

Talk matchups. Tell me how your offense is going to hang the 20 they will need, at minimum, to beat this defense.

All NFL teams are dangerous to go against. Lots of bad teams play with house money and still lose. Loose? what does that actually mean?

Talk some actual ball, please. I am tired of all the emo reasons some fan thinks his team will win.

I could have sworn I've heard that expression used on .NET to describe the way Carroll gets his guys to play.

Anyways, bigcat forgot one small little detail:

It's been since 2004 that a SB champ won a playoff game the following season.

That's a rather interesting stat. The Seahawks winning this weekend would be no small feat historically.
Which is the point. How does a fan know that somehow the Hawks will be all up tight and the Panthers will be loose? I have never bought the "pressure is all on the other team" arguments. Does it matter? maybe, but matchups matter a helluva lot more. emo reasons suck, give me matchups.

As for your stat, who cares. Those games have zero bearing on this one. Would you look at that trend you cited as put money on the Panthers to win? IF not, then you don't really believe it matters either.

Matchups matter. We are the number 1 seed for a reason. This year's team is not last year's. We are young, strong, and talented.

Carolina doesn't have a chance.


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Lake Tapps, WA
I never feel uneasy about any game. Not with this team. The fact is that they are likely to beat anyone they play, but if they don't it won't be for a,lack of effort.

I don't worry about them losing because it happens so infrequently since Wilson took over the QB job. It may not look perfect at times, but these guys get the job done whether it is a blowout or a tight game.

There isn't a single Xs and Os concern from Carolina. This team doesn't have to do anything special to win this game, they only need to do what they know. Carolina is capable of making big plays, but they are not capable of stringing enough of them together to get a win against this team in an elimination game on national TV during Prime Time in Seattle.

I expect that the intensity will be at levels we haven't seen all season. Those games in Carolina were worst case scenario games for Seattle and they still won.

The Hawks have transformed into something that no team can contend with. That is a team that plays from snap to whistle regardless of score and field position. Look at the Rams game, the Hawks had a 2TD lead with time working for them. Letting STL score would not have hurt them as they allowed the Rams to have their short passes, but get near the goal line and ET makes a ridiculous play like he was stopping the game winner.

The Hawks will win this game and while many want to call it close, I suspect it won't feel very close by the middle of the 3rd quarter. Guys worry saying the Panthers have nothing to lose. That just isn't true, but if they play like there is nothing to lose they will just get beat badly.

Don't be surprised to see the offense taking care of business Saturday and making the defense even more fired up.


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The Rain Forest
HawkFan72":3cf0dz9s said:
I worry before every game, especially playoff games. And Jordan Hill being out worries me too.

But I still expect the Hawks to win. The Hawks are the better team and we're at home.



Dec 12, 2012
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Rocket":1iyj7aj5 said:
HawkFan72":1iyj7aj5 said:
I worry before every game, especially playoff games. And Jordan Hill being out worries me too.

But I still expect the Hawks to win. The Hawks are the better team and we're at home.




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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
thebigcat":1o6y7384 said:
we should be playing loose as this game is house money, we have no title to defend, no record to defend and no pressure of being at home.... The Panthers team you will be facing is going to be about as loose as a football team you will see, we have nothing to lose, that my friends is a dangerous team to go against.

That's a big assumption. Who knows which team will be 'looser' than the other. Yesterday I was watching an interview with Richard Sherman, and he looked to me to be extremely calm and relaxed, like he'd put his quarter on the table and was having a beer with the guys before it was his turn to rack'em.

This is your first trip to Seattle for nearly all of your players, and the reputation of our 12th man is going to put a lot of pressure on your team, not to mention having to do it on 6 days rest and traveling 2500 miles and crossing three time zones to get here. Perhaps they have a plan and are fully prepared and none of that will matter.

Here's something else to think about: Since 2010, Drew Brees's record here is 0-3, including 0-2 in the playoffs. Aaron Rodgers is 0-2, Peyton Manning and Tom Brady are both 0-1. So given those facts, what do you think Cam Newton's odds of winning are?


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May 14, 2012
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If you are truly worried about losing this game, then you might want to worry about Mt. Rainer blowing up before Sunday and canceling the game because both have about equal chances of happening.


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Sep 26, 2009
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It's win or go home so there is always some level of anxiety with everything on the line BUT the Hawks should win this game and be confident halfway through the 4th qtr.


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Portland, OR
I felt more anxious on Monday and Tuesday. Today, after seeing Panthers fans grasp at straws, I confident of a win.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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I'm always anxious, so nothing new.

When you've been beaten like a dog for 37 years of watching your team lose, I don't know how to feel any different..........even after winning the SB.

But that's OK, cause the players are as confident as a team can get going into the playoffs.


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HoustonHawk82":2ab6k8g1 said:
shawnsim":2ab6k8g1 said:
Rocket":2ab6k8g1 said:
HawkFan72":2ab6k8g1 said:
I worry before every game, especially playoff games. And Jordan Hill being out worries me too.

But I still expect the Hawks to win. The Hawks are the better team and we're at home.




+4 :thirishdrinkers:


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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
Jerhawk":9jvhaot6 said:
Reading through some of the posts here I get the feeling that most of you are expecting this to be an easy win Saturday. Unfortunately I dont have the same level of confidence.

Going into last years divisional game, it felt like destiny was on our side. But for this game, theres too many storylines putting the Panthers in that dangerous David vs Goliath scene. Think about all the adversity theyre battling through. The quarterback survives a violent car crash, the coach's house burns down, and now they're 11+ point underdogs heading into the defending champions house.

I can just picture the storylines of how reselient they were to come in here with nothing to lose and shock the world. Does anyone else feel this way, or do I need to quit worrying and shut up? :180670: :34853_tinfoil:
You should relax we should win by 10-14 points unless something horribly wrong occurs.

Seahawk Sailor

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Well, I rewatched the Seahawks-Panthers game from earlier this year, and it's left me a lot more optimistic, not that I wasn't before. Rather than get down to x's and o's, or schemes, or anything, I just watched it for missed opportunities. And there were a ton of them.

Now when I say "missed opportunities" I don't mean great plays by the defense. I don't mean settling for a field goal when the opposing defense comes up big. That's just them playing good defense. I'm talking about dropped picks, forced fumbles that bounced the wrong way, dropped touchdown passes, etc.

But (and admittedly I'm a biased fan) there were a ton more missed opportunities for the Seahawks than the Panthers that game. The first quarter was about as bad as you could get from a 'Hawks perspective. Long Carolina drives punctuated by Seahawks 3-n-outs, and several missed opportunities, including a sure pick dropped by Tharold Simon, who was in for the injured Byron Maxwell that game.

From what I saw, the Panthers had about two good missed opportunities. One was the fumble on the botched exchange right near the goal line. Rather than have a good chance to punch it in for a touchdown, or even settle for a short field goal, they botched the hand off and turned the ball over. Another was a missed touchdown pass to #13 in the back of the end zone. That's even an iffy one though, because Sherman was in position with his hand right between the receiver's hands, and would probably have broken it up even if it had been thrown a bit better.

The Seahawks on the other hand had a number of almosts. I mentally added them up and figured that if all were actually taken, rather than pissed away, the halftime score should be about 27-13, instead of 6-6. And the bad play continued right up until the last drive of the game. One of the worst was the mangled pass to a wide open TE. It was a guaranteed score, and the throw was one of the worst I've seen Wilson make. 11 times out of 12, that's an easy touchdown. He also threw a pick into the end zone when he should have thrown a touchdown, but similar to Carolina's missed touchdown, that's more indicative of a good defense, and so it doesn't really count for a missed opportunity.

There were, however, a number of dropped interceptions. Balls hitting our defending players right in the hands and then hitting the turf. There were a couple of fumbles, both forced and unforced, that bounced very luckily for Carolina. Fumble recoveries are 50/50 deals, so while you can't count them all as missed opportunities, you can certainly make the argument that at least one of them should have bounced our way.

That whole game was pretty much a series of botched and mangled plays, followed by one drive where the Seahawks looked like the Seahawks. There's very little chance we'll look that completely inept at home on Saturday. And even if we do, that first game was still a recipe to advance in the playoffs, as we came home with a win no matter how terrible we looked that day.


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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
Seahawk Sailor":2j4sarf0 said:
Well, I rewatched the Seahawks-Panthers game from earlier this year, and it's left me a lot more optimistic, not that I wasn't before. Rather than get down to x's and o's, or schemes, or anything, I just watched it for missed opportunities. And there were a ton of them.
Ease up on them apostrophes, doe.

Seahawk Sailor

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Mar 3, 2007
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California via Negros Occidental, Philippines
RolandDeschain":351gwplg said:
Seahawk Sailor":351gwplg said:
Well, I rewatched the Seahawks-Panthers game from earlier this year, and it's left me a lot more optimistic, not that I wasn't before. Rather than get down to x's and o's, or schemes, or anything, I just watched it for missed opportunities. And there were a ton of them.
Ease up on them apostrophes, doe.


There are one or two cases in which it is acceptable to use an apostrophe to form a plural, purely for the sake of clarity:

you can use an apostrophe to show the plurals of single letters:

I've dotted the i's and crossed the t's.

Find all the p's in appear.

you can use an apostrophe to show the plurals of single numbers:

Find all the number 7’s.

Still doesn't change the fact that there were a ton of missed opportunities that last game that will not be missed this time around.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lake Tapps, WA
RolandDeschain":2ypvxczr said:
Seahawk Sailor":2ypvxczr said:
Well, I rewatched the Seahawks-Panthers game from earlier this year, and it's left me a lot more optimistic, not that I wasn't before. Rather than get down to x's and o's, or schemes, or anything, I just watched it for missed opportunities. And there were a ton of them.
Ease up on them apostrophes, doe.

:rofl: He's right though. There's a bunch of missed opportunities from the week 8 game that won't be missed, shouldn't be missed and couldn't be missed even if he's wrong about the X's and O's from the Seahawks' perspective.