It's official: Welcome home to the LOS ANGELES RAMS!


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Dec 18, 2012
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Hasselbeck":2elnsaj5 said:
SeatownJay":2elnsaj5 said:
Uh oh, the NFC West now has three teams in the Pacific Time Zone. How will Goodell manage to finagle the scheduling rules to protect the Patriots and Steelers from having so much travel once every eight years this time?

Some east coast fans were already bitching about having 3 west coast games next year :lol: :lol:


Cry me a river.


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Dec 18, 2012
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Osprey":bb8mrbqq said:
Marvin49":bb8mrbqq said:
Gratz Alice.

Back where they belong in my opinion. Now they just need to bring back the old uniforms full time. :) Hell, maybe they should go old school blue and white. :)

So this:
Dm 130604 nfl schefter deacon jones


Rams in that dark blue and white and the Chargers already back in the Powder Blue both in LA?

Major retro looks. I'd love it if not for my utter hatred of all things LA (except Disneyland). :D


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Dec 24, 2012
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Seattle Area
I'd like to see any combo of the yellow/blue and white/blue - one as regular and one as throwback.

No more of the blueberry / gold.

I did here some talk of Chargers going back to the powder blues - would be cool if they did that as well if they move to LA.


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Aug 9, 2013
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RedAlice":9g62joyw said:
seahawk12thman":9g62joyw said:
RolandDeschain":9g62joyw said:
seahawk12thman":9g62joyw said:
You deserve better St Louis..
I'll argue this one all day long. Why does the city of St. Louis deserve better?

When the team won they were supported. Maybe you were too young but did you see the Kingdome in the 90's when Behring wanted to move the team?? Remember the blackouts?? The Seahawks were such a joke of a franchise California didn't even want us. The Rams had a great following before Kroenke flushed it down the toilet.

Kroenke didn't ruin the team. Frontiere did on her way out of SoCal. Rams then had a very brief glory reign with the GSOT and then they sucked again. Then end of that is not Kroenke's fault. I've supported the Rams through the winning and losing - so I've no sympanthy for StL fans who say, "Oh, but they've sucked so we don't support them."

Also, stick to facts: St. Louis put a clause in the lease they used to draw the Rams to St. Louis in the first place that clearly and legally stated that they were required to keep the stadium in the top 25% of stadiums. They refused to do this and per the lease the legal right of the Rams was to relocate if this was not met.

So, St. Louis does not deserve better. They should've honored the terms of the lease they used to draw in the Rams in 1994. Per Kroenke, the Rams initially only asked for the right to sue, but St. Louis wanted the right to relocate instead.

It's always very sad when good fans lose their team (I know) and I do have sympathy for good StL fans - especially families that have been going to the games.

But, StL got what they set up for themselves with that lease in 1994 that took my team away. Hard to say they deserve any different since they set it up.

You ignorant statements show you wouldn't know the truth if it smacked you in the face. Kroenke has been trying to move the franchise since 2002. He said so yesterday so he surreptitiously slithered around as the owner of the franchise while being stuck in the lease. He never became part of the community or engage government in anything. Please don't educate me on contract law, that 25% was a way to get out of the city. No city with half a brain cell is going to pump 700 million dollars into a stadium in which it's owner has already said he wants to move. Get Serious!!

The rams had 96 games that were sold out, while it remained the shadow of Cardinals Baseball, it was a main attraction. They have had two historically lousy owners in Bud Bidwell and Stan "the fraud" (not "the Man" he was named after) Kroenke. At least they won when they had the stripper. Nobody gives a flying crap about NFL football in LA. Earth to Alice, LA is already oversaturated with Sports teams; Angels, Dodger, Bruins, Trojans, Galaxy, New Soccer team, Clippers, Lakers, Ducks, Kings. You want to talk about lousy fans, wait till Kroenke runs his Rams in LA like he does the Nuggets in Denver. That palace will have empty seats from the outer rim to shining rim of the stadium. LA fans won't put up with a losing product when there are so many other choices.

Finally, why do I care even if St Louis is a dump? Under the new NFL model, when does the Clink become old and outdated. So many cities dangling you think the NFL gives a shit if the team in South Alaska is gone? You think the owners will cry over not seeing their team fly up to the Pacific Northwest just see their team get its ass kicked, not to mention extra travel costs? This has put the writing on the wall that if you don't pony up a couple billion, your team is for sale. The NFL has said today the hell with the fan punctuated with a huge middle finger. I think you deserve this crappy owner Alice and it won't be long till Stan pulls the next trick out of his hat. Last night the fan of the NFL gets screwed again and there seems to be thunderous applause as the Billionaires make a fool out of us again.


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Dec 24, 2012
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Seattle Area
I know he has been trying since 2002 - that is when the lease was first an issue. He followed the letter of the law for the lease.

I don't think Kroenke is a terrible owner - he accomplished a great feat for the Rams. I'm extremely happy he became the owner and did that.

And, sorry I don't think St. Louis deserved better, don't agree with your "version" of facts and really no longer care one bit about St. Louis. I'm just happy I don't have to visit there to see the Rams play.

So, keep arguing if you want. The Rams are now rightly in Los Angeles where they belong.


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Jul 25, 2012
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seahawk12thman":3p9yns42 said:
RedAlice":3p9yns42 said:
seahawk12thman":3p9yns42 said:
RolandDeschain":3p9yns42 said:
I'll argue this one all day long. Why does the city of St. Louis deserve better?

When the team won they were supported. Maybe you were too young but did you see the Kingdome in the 90's when Behring wanted to move the team?? Remember the blackouts?? The Seahawks were such a joke of a franchise California didn't even want us. The Rams had a great following before Kroenke flushed it down the toilet.

Kroenke didn't ruin the team. Frontiere did on her way out of SoCal. Rams then had a very brief glory reign with the GSOT and then they sucked again. Then end of that is not Kroenke's fault. I've supported the Rams through the winning and losing - so I've no sympanthy for StL fans who say, "Oh, but they've sucked so we don't support them."

Also, stick to facts: St. Louis put a clause in the lease they used to draw the Rams to St. Louis in the first place that clearly and legally stated that they were required to keep the stadium in the top 25% of stadiums. They refused to do this and per the lease the legal right of the Rams was to relocate if this was not met.

So, St. Louis does not deserve better. They should've honored the terms of the lease they used to draw in the Rams in 1994. Per Kroenke, the Rams initially only asked for the right to sue, but St. Louis wanted the right to relocate instead.

It's always very sad when good fans lose their team (I know) and I do have sympathy for good StL fans - especially families that have been going to the games.

But, StL got what they set up for themselves with that lease in 1994 that took my team away. Hard to say they deserve any different since they set it up.

You ignorant statements show you wouldn't know the truth if it smacked you in the face. Kroenke has been trying to move the franchise since 2002. He said so yesterday so he surreptitiously slithered around as the owner of the franchise while being stuck in the lease. He never became part of the community or engage government in anything. Please don't educate me on contract law, that 25% was a way to get out of the city. No city with half a brain cell is going to pump 700 million dollars into a stadium in which it's owner has already said he wants to move. Get Serious!!

The rams had 96 games that were sold out, while it remained the shadow of Cardinals Baseball, it was a main attraction. They have had two historically lousy owners in Bud Bidwell and Stan "the fraud" (not "the Man" he was named after) Kroenke. At least they won when they had the stripper. Nobody gives a flying crap about NFL football in LA. Earth to Alice, LA is already oversaturated with Sports teams; Angels, Dodger, Bruins, Trojans, Galaxy, New Soccer team, Clippers, Lakers, Ducks, Kings. You want to talk about lousy fans, wait till Kroenke runs his Rams in LA like he does the Nuggets in Denver. That palace will have empty seats from the outer rim to shining rim of the stadium. LA fans won't put up with a losing product when there are so many other choices.

Finally, why do I care even if St Louis is a dump? Under the new NFL model, when does the Clink become old and outdated. So many cities dangling you think the NFL gives a shit if the team in South Alaska is gone? You think the owners will cry over not seeing their team fly up to the Pacific Northwest just see their team get its ass kicked, not to mention extra travel costs? This has put the writing on the wall that if you don't pony up a couple billion, your team is for sale. The NFL has said today the hell with the fan punctuated with a huge middle finger. I think you deserve this crappy owner Alice and it won't be long till Stan pulls the next trick out of his hat. Last night the fan of the NFL gets screwed again and there seems to be thunderous applause as the Billionaires make a fool out of us again.

I actually think this move will empower the fans. Here we have an NFL owner that is building his own stadium without any government funding. I believe this is why a lot of owners didn't want Kroenke to be the one to move. Now, whenever a team needs a new stadium, cities will point to this and tell the owner to build his own damn stadium. With L.A. now having a team, there is no longer leverage in threatening to move. Where will a team threaten to move to? St Louis? San Antonio? What kind of a threat would that be?

I don't think any team other than the Jags and Raiders that could ever move and the Raiders will be in Oakland once they are sold.

Kroenke has now made it so OWNERS will have to pay more for their own homes, which is a good thing.


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Haha. Well, it's constantly said that he cannot make a decision.

He has a problem now though - if he stays in San Diego, Raiders technically can move to LA. Though, that would be stupid for the league to have 3 teams right here.

He should've just let Kroenke move last year and worked out his own stadium in San Diego.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Kroenke wanted to move the team all along.

But something happened.

The Dodgers sold for 2 billy. Then the Clippers sold for 2 billy.

And suddenly 3 teams wanted to be in LA now. Right damn now. The relocation fee is nothing when measured against the value of the team doubling as soon as the moving trucks get to LA.

Who would have known that a messy divorce and a basketball owner who thought he owned a plantation could have such an effect on the NFL? But I am convinced that the immediacy of the 3 wanting to be in LA was spurred by the revelation that a team in LA would be worth numbers approaching 3 billion.

Funny enough, the team that needs the move the most, the Raiders, are the odd man out.

We are fans of a game that is ran by slimy and greedy businessmen. It makes me wonder if the NFL will ever collapse in on itself.


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Dec 24, 2012
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Seattle Area
Scottemojo":1csybb9d said:
Kroenke wanted to move the team all along.

But something happened.

The Dodgers sold for 2 billy. Then the Clippers sold for 2 billy.

And suddenly 3 teams wanted to be in LA now. Right damn now. The relocation fee is nothing when measured against the value of the team doubling as soon as the moving trucks get to LA.

Who would have known that a messy divorce and a basketball owner who thought he owned a plantation could have such an effect on the NFL? But I am convinced that the immediacy of the 3 wanting to be in LA was spurred by the revelation that a team in LA would be worth numbers approaching 3 billion.

Funny enough, the team that needs the move the most, the Raiders, are the odd man out.

We are fans of a game that is ran by slimy and greedy businessmen. It makes me wonder if the NFL will ever collapse in on itself.

Very greedy business men who have a golden goose.

It probably will, evenutally. For exactly as Cuban said - pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.

Add to that the likely lessoning pool of players as less children start to play the game due to the concussion issue.

But for now, we can enjoy it.


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Jan 13, 2014
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Off topic question.... sounds like San Diego residents won't support the Chargers if they move to LA. What if the Seahawks decided to move to Spokane or even Portland. Would you guys still support the team?


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Apr 8, 2014
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In the basement of Reynholm Industries
korboko":2c8pgvd4 said:
Off topic question.... sounds like San Diego residents won't support the Chargers if they move to LA. What if the Seahawks decided to move to Spokane or even Portland. Would you guys still support the team?

Seattle to Portland or Spokane is further than LA to SD. I might for Spokane, but Portland..... I'd probably become a Chiefs fan. I hate everything to do with Oregon.


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Dec 24, 2012
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Maulbert":37f7uv0h said:
korboko":37f7uv0h said:
Off topic question.... sounds like San Diego residents won't support the Chargers if they move to LA. What if the Seahawks decided to move to Spokane or even Portland. Would you guys still support the team?

Seattle to Portland or Spokane is further than LA to SD. I might for Spokane, but Portland..... I'd probably become a Chiefs fan. I hate everything to do with Oregon.

That's kind of the issue with San Diego to LA. Not the distance. It's the hatred/dislike between the two cities.

I'm fine w driving to Inglewood from San Diego to see the Rams. Totally different for Charger fans.

In fact, I have Charger fans telling me they will go to Rams games with me in Inglewood. But, not to Charger games.


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Aug 9, 2013
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RedAlice":m1d24pc8 said:
Maulbert":m1d24pc8 said:
korboko":m1d24pc8 said:
Off topic question.... sounds like San Diego residents won't support the Chargers if they move to LA. What if the Seahawks decided to move to Spokane or even Portland. Would you guys still support the team?

Seattle to Portland or Spokane is further than LA to SD. I might for Spokane, but Portland..... I'd probably become a Chiefs fan. I hate everything to do with Oregon.

That's kind of the issue with San Diego to LA. Not the distance. It's the hatred/dislike between the two cities.

I'm fine w driving to Inglewood from San Diego to see the Rams. Totally different for Charger fans.

In fact, I have Charger fans telling me they will go to Rams games with me in Inglewood. But, not to Charger games.

You have more patience than I do Alice. When the Sonics were taken, that was it for me. If they had remained the Sonics I wouldn't have rooted for them. If Seattle ever gets an NBA team, I hope they are not the Supersonics, they are dead to me. I know I am not alone in this feeling, that is why I am curious about how much LA cares about the Rams.


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
So would you guys feel bad for OKC fans, if they went back to Seattle, and the Sonics returned? Personally I would feel like it is righting a wrong. Just like the Rams coming home, back to LA.


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Dec 24, 2012
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seahawk12thman":1anmygg2 said:
RedAlice":1anmygg2 said:
Maulbert":1anmygg2 said:
korboko":1anmygg2 said:
Off topic question.... sounds like San Diego residents won't support the Chargers if they move to LA. What if the Seahawks decided to move to Spokane or even Portland. Would you guys still support the team?

Seattle to Portland or Spokane is further than LA to SD. I might for Spokane, but Portland..... I'd probably become a Chiefs fan. I hate everything to do with Oregon.

That's kind of the issue with San Diego to LA. Not the distance. It's the hatred/dislike between the two cities.

I'm fine w driving to Inglewood from San Diego to see the Rams. Totally different for Charger fans.

In fact, I have Charger fans telling me they will go to Rams games with me in Inglewood. But, not to Charger games.

You have more patience than I do Alice. When the Sonics were taken, that was it for me. If they had remained the Sonics I wouldn't have rooted for them. If Seattle ever gets an NBA team, I hope they are not the Supersonics, they are dead to me. I know I am not alone in this feeling, that is why I am curious about how much LA cares about the Rams.

Our situations are very different. I have never lived in Los Angeles.

I became a Rams fan when I lived in Arizona and they had no NFL team. So, I've never had my NFL team exist in the same city I live in. In college, I moved to San Diego so they were closer - but, the cities are very different. I was very sad when they left.

I disliked them being in the midwest because it's further from me, difficult to get to for games, and well - it's the midwest which no matter if you love it or hate it: it's a small market nationally. But, they were still the Rams and my NFL team.

So, I understand your position and fans who are tied with their city to their team - but, it's not my situation.


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Smellyman":27r6q64f said:
Poor St. Louis. That city continues to decay.
They did it to themselves. They sat on their hands back when they could have done something, instead choosing to argue about how EJD wasn't really that bad and didn't require that much to update it. A lot of St. Louis fans were arguing about how the city shouldn't have to pay for renovations to a billionaire's house, and many politicians said the same thing. They didn't get off their collective asses and start doing anything until after Kroenke bought property in Inglewood.

To hear them whine now about how Kroenke disrespected them and ignored all the work they did to keep the Rams in St. Louis makes me wonder how deluded they really are.

St. Louis was basically a shitty landlord, and now they wonder why their famous tenant is moving.

I do empathize with the St. Louis fans who worked hard all along to try to keep the Rams there. They were just stabbed in the back by the short-sighted penny pinchers.


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Eastern Washington
seahawk12thman":2kxnkvhy said:
YAAAYYYY another city and fan base gets screwed. The city put up money for a new stadium unlike Oakland and even found a corporate sponsor but to hell with them, "Stan the man" had cash and that's all that matter. Curious, I wonder when the CLink becomes old and outdated?? But the Hawks would never leave Seattle, oh wait it was tried. Nobody cared when the Rams left in the first place; a big collective YAAWWWNNNNN. You deserve better St Louis..
You apparently weren't paying attention when the subject of EJD lease renewal first came up. St. Louis tried to do as little as possible, to avoid spending money on the stadium. They could have done something when it mattered, and they'd still have a team right now.


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Apr 8, 2014
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In the basement of Reynholm Industries
Fade":2i77pdii said:
So would you guys feel bad for OKC fans, if they went back to Seattle, and the Sonics returned? Personally I would feel like it is righting a wrong. Just like the Rams coming home, back to LA.

No, and I'm already on record that I don't feel bad for St. Louis. They stole the Rams.


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Dec 24, 2012
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Seattle Area
Agree 100% @BlueTalon

Here is Kroenke's first interview after being approved with the LA Times. I quoted some parts including some relating to your owner, rest is at the link.


“One of the most important things that nailed it (Tuesday) is that we just kept showing them pictures,” Kroenke said. “People love pictures. And what those pictures showed was the thought and the development and the plan, and the depth of the thought.”

He said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell found the pictures “very compelling.”

Kroenke noted Seattle Seahawks owner and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen support of the project. After not attending an NFL meeting in four years, Allen appeared at the Houston gathering to back Kroenke. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed by other owners.

“When I started working on this two years ago, I took Paul through the whole thing,” Kroenke said. “I said, ‘This is what I think we can do here. I’m not sure we can do it all, but here’s what we’re working on.’ He was always interested. Then once we got to certain point, he definitely got it. He got how good it was.” ... tory.html#